My rank guide

| Feb 7, 2009
Please visit my rank guide. The link is on the side of the screen. Please feel free to ask questions about gaining ranks there, or, if you can, please give your own guides (even if only a portion) for gaining ranks there. I reward people who help fill out my guide with clicks. If you want to see how a rank guide should look, see the rank 1 guide at the bottom of the rank guide page. You can guide people on part or all of a rank. Thank you

Also, I know I have posted no news since February 3rd, but I can guarantee that there will be news either tomorrow or on Monday, if we are right about the LU email. Also, I have no doubt this is a calm before a new-networker filled storm, so keep coming back!!


S said... [REPLY]

To cheshirecat150. I'm sorry but i'm now sending the message after 12 hours. I forgot to send it then.

PumpkinPi said... [REPLY]

That's ok!

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

I have a slight criticism of your Rank Guide.

It includes "hidden" Networkers with no "Spoiler" tags. Many folks want the challenge of finding the hidden networkers and you give them out in the open with no warning.

If possible you should make the text of the hidden networkers "white" to hide then users that want to see the name can highlight the text and find out what the names are.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Genius, E

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I didn't think of that!! Please let me know if I missed any spoilers. I tried to get them all.

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Much Better!

Rank 6 still has a reference to "You-Know-Who" in it.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I couldn't find it. Could you please be a little more specific?

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Getting to Rank 6 (not 5)

Step #2

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

There we go, E. Thank you very much. I would never have thought of that

50 clicks coming on your lightwork module.

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