
| Feb 6, 2009

If you want to make your Google avatar the same as your My Lego
Network avatar, I have figured out how to
do it, and will do it for free for anyone who asks, if they are "following" this blog. You follow by clicking the "follow this blog"
button in the lower right corner. I am uploading the avatars to Picasa Web Album. Once
you have the photo, go to your BLOGGER Dashboard, and select
"edit photo" on the left side of the screen


Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Sorry, Puff3094, but I don't allow email addresses on my site. It is unsafe.Here is the URL for your avatar:


hikaru8500 said... [REPLY]

captain im new here in your blogspot can you copy my avatar my username is hikaru8500 thank you in advance

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Sure thing, and welcome to my blog. Please be sure to check out my other blogs, most have a lot of content having to do with MLN, including a trade site, and a site where you can join in contests and quizzes. Here is the image URL:


hikaru8500 said... [REPLY]

hey captain how can i put the url in my user profile

S said... [REPLY]

Hey hakuro8500. You're rank is to low for me. If you are rank 3 i can approve you.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

It looks like you've figured it out, but for everybody else, you go to your dashboard and hit "edit photo", then hit "remove image" if you already have one. Otherwise, click "add photo". You should be able to copy your URL into a box there. Or you can save the photo to your desktop, and upload file to get it.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Hey Hikaru, your username appears twice on the Followers list, once with, and once without your picture. Could you please remove one of them if you can? Thank you.

Kaseyq said... [REPLY]

Hello, could you please add my avatar username is kaseyq, Thanks

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Done. Use the following URL:


Zenith said... [REPLY]

Cool, can you please add my avatar

Bioduel said... [REPLY]

Could you please add my avatar username is xander0077. thanks.:}

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

To Skotch 5, use the following URL:


Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

To Xander0077, use the following URL:


Anonymous said... [REPLY]

please tell me mine. my username is KIDZRULEZ.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Here is the picture. Just copy this and past it into the URL for where you select your image:


Anonymous said... [REPLY]


darknight1101 said... [REPLY]

hey cpt van. can you do mine or at least tell me how to do it plese. please tell me!

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Use this URL:


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