No e-mail yet

| Feb 8, 2009
For all of those who don't get the LU email newsletter, now is the last day. They are
supposed to send out the name of the secrect networker tomorrow. I will, of course, let everyone know when I get it, but LEGO may not want me to tell anyone else for a little while, we'll see.


S said... [REPLY]

The universemaster come online about 4-6 GMT

immy1 said... [REPLY]

hey if anyone would plz trade me some victory banners and some items that will help me with the totemic animals?

S said... [REPLY]

I've got 5 and trade them for 20 clicks. send me a message if you are done. Please clicks on my symboisis module if you are interested.

S said... [REPLY]

Hey guys, the last days i've lost 4000 clicks get other factory creation, got other gallery creations. Does anyone know the reason

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Oh, bummer. I've heard of that happening before but I still don't think anyone knows why. Did you, by any chance, change your creation to a different one? You know, like how the arcade modules reset when you change them?

S said... [REPLY]

No, i not change it.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

send a message to lego they will fix it.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

they put the coming soon thing back up i guess they are gonna wait a little longer to put the high score list up.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

For the HOP high score? Yes, I am very annoyed by that; I would be on the high score list right now.

You know, Knuckles, you're a pretty regular contributor to this blog, you might want to create a Google account so you're not anonymous; they're free.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

i want to and am planning on it i just dont know when i can. But until then i guess i just have to be anonymous.
p.s what is the universemaster sim was talking about?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I believe he is referring to a moderator from LEGO who specializes in approving the LU comments on the message boards, and who would probably be in charge of announcing new stuff to people.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

To Immy1, who's comment I rejected because I'm not sure what it is:

Where did you find that email address on LEGO?

immy1 said... [REPLY]

i found it on the page for parents it was there but when i checked back it was gone do you think its fake i emailed the dude and he replied so it might be real

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

A hacker, eh? Better back up all your files :)

What did he say?

S said... [REPLY]

Thank Knuckles 987654321 . I'll send a message and hope they fix it.
The universemaster is the moderator of lu who's posting in the news section and comment also in the creation lab.

S said... [REPLY]

To immy. Do you want to do my trade.

5 victory banner <--> 20 clicks

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

don't know if anyone's seen this yet, but on page 7 of the blueprint list is an "electro pellet inductor module", which looks like a normal inductor with a big 2 on it...

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Hello, Hanulator2009, and welcome to my site. Yes, I just noticed that on my rounds.

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

Ive got a very weird glitch.
On my friendlist the name of secret networkers appear.
Like For example: Atakus, Bartlebee, Bee Keeper Bill, Bob Skull, etc.
Does anyone know the reason for this and could they notify me i they do?

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

It's because you are viewing your own page. Sign out and then you will not see the secret networkers.

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

thats what i thought. Now its been totally fixed because when i signed out dead letter postman was still visible.

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

Hey Sim533, do you know why whenever i go to someones page to click a stunt or race track module, the click button doesn´t appear

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

You don't have any clicks...

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

i swear, i had 44 clicks and it still didnt appear...

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Upload a screenshot to imageshack and sent us the link. i will help you. Also, i will not approve your post with the link

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

To Sim533, how do i take a screenshot image and how do i upload it if i dont have imageshack?

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

Also, what rank do you have to be to be your friend?

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

You could take a screenshot with the Prtscn button on your keyboard and then upload it to the ONLINE picture uploader.

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