
| Nov 7, 2009
We've found a winner and that is you, Xander0077. You will get 75 clicks for this and we will add the name to our snowman. Here you could find the points...

6operate432the Warrior Zombie20
8CheshireCat150 Arctic19
9TheSkeletonMan939 Freezie 19
10B-man8397 Bob Winterfields18
11Mrandrew1 Snoodle 17
12TheSkeletonMan939 Ice-cold 16
13berrykit Freeze 16
14MaxMars Pluto 15
15EragonSaphira Snowfig 14
16commanderfox324bob 14
17berrykit Frankie 14
18Mrandrew1Clive 13
19Bugefun Alexander 13
20commanderfox324Billy-bob joe 13
21EragonSaphira Snowy 12
22EragonSaphira Charlie 11
23operate432 Interface 11
24ilc Froty 10
25Mrandrew1 Edure 10
26commanderfox324 billy10
27Knuckles987654321 Gnarly10
28Legomaster10682 Sledge 10
29B-man8397 Snowman 10
30BugefunJim 10
31Bugefun Scarfy 10

The points aren't added if you voted for your own name. Also for the people that used their own dupes to vote on their own name are also rejected!


Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Congrats Xander0077

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

well done motmd/Xander0077. Snowbrick is a cool name

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

motmd is probably the short name of his blogger account :S

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Shadow is it possible to sent your ten words again. There was a problem with your entry. 20 clicks by the 5 clicks if you send it again

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Sim: When I asked how to change my picture, I meant, how can I get a picture of my MLN avatar. And I'm not going to get a camera. No, the quality would be horrible.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I will make one for you!!!
Image will be deleted by 5 days. So open the link and save as and upload it somewhere else...

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Sim: Thanks for the picture!

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

to sim: I sent it again as you requested.
to bman: awesum avatar

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Points added. Thanks for your fast reply.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

just to clarify my comment in the earlier post...
i'm pretty sure the ben 10 line will only be popular amongst the target audience (i.e. young kids). there are lots of lego fans who are adults, and i doubt they'd like the new line.

something that wasn't posted, apparently you can combine three to make a bigger set, a bit like the early days of bionicle.

Unknown said... [REPLY]

I am not sure if this has been reported yet but I just got my brickmaster magazine and it says another line will be Toy Story.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Wow, cool. 20 clicks for telling us, MrAndrew1

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

yes, toy story's also going to be released.
the reason why i'm not posting all this information is that i don't want to overdo it...

there's also a prince of persia line next year.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

reminds me, one more thing i forgot to mention...
for all you technic fans, it's discontinued next year. at least, that's what's being said now. it may get re-released in the future, or something.

Bioduel said... [REPLY]

I won?!

Sim533 said... [REPLY]


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