New bionicle networkers at the end of the year?

| Nov 8, 2009
It's really gratifying to see the My LEGO Network campaign taking off so well. I see a lot of interest in this game, and there are some fun tidbits in there. We had a creative roundtable last year with me, the MLN producer, Greg, and Leah to work through the story, and I think Peter (the MLN producer) and Eric (the graphic artist) did a great job.
Now, on to the real reason for the blog entry...

I've been receiving lots of PMs about MLN issues. Unfortunately, I'm not really able to help. I was the person who initiated the campaign, and worked on getting it developed, but I don't run it at all. So I'm afraid I'm unable to help with your questions and problems.

We're looking at updating it for later in the year, but that's not finalized yet.

"Jan 31 2009, 12:14 PM" Quoted by the creator of Bionicle.
Maybe Cherixon or Gata Nui could sent him a PM on BZP to get answer?

Update: There was also already said that there will be in 2010 a mln bionicle update. This was also said by the webmaster of 'Jun 30 2009'


Gatanui said... [REPLY]

I think he meant it could be updated for the summer sets, but later he said it won´t. I also doubt it will be updated at this point, but I can still ask him, of course. :)

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Do you have any link to prove that it won't be a new bionicle campaign before 2010?

Thanks for helping us!

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

It is Binkmeister

Gatanui said... [REPLY]


That link also proves that it might be updated in 2010.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

OK. I will look...

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

I really hope they have another bionicle campaign.

Kaseyq said... [REPLY]

Spawn is another cheat code in case nobody has mentioned it yet, for Robot Chronicles.

Unknown said... [REPLY]

Here's two more cheat codes for the robot chronicles. Deflect,triple shields.
Sabotage, oponents slowed to 75%

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