A New Poll

| Feb 6, 2009
I have added a new poll to the right side of the screen, as well as the Pirates vs Ninjas one.
Which would you rather see in MLN, an
Indiana Jones badge, or a Star Wars badge?

Please state the reason for your pick by commenting. Each one, of course, would include exclusive stickers, networkers, and loops even. I'm not saying either is coming out soon, but if they do, which? This is no time to be a peace-maker and claim to "like them both equally." Fight it out!


ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Both have "Stormtroopers" so that is a wash and Harrison Ford is a wash...

I go with Star Wars. Hyperdrive and Blasters beat old internal combustion engines and whips any day.

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

I prefer Star Wars too.
More movies, more games, lego games are more fun for star wars (you know, like for the Playstation)
Also, I liked the movies better.

But I have to disagree, whips are still way better than blasters (especially if you know how hard it can be to use them.)

PumpkinPi said... [REPLY]

I voted for Indy. The Playstation games for Indy were way better then Star Wars and whips are better then blasters. Although hyperdrives are better then old internal combustion engines. Indy is still the kind of adventure I like to see.

S said... [REPLY]

I go for the indiana jones badge.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

I go for the LEGO Star Wars, I love LEGO Star Wars

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Wow! So far, it's a bit more even than I expected, though it's leaning towards Star Wars.

I have to go for Indy, though. Still, Star Wars is awesome, and would probably be a better story-line for MLN than Indy. On the other hand, trying to get rare artifacts kind of sounds like something one would see on MLN.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

NEWS: I can not get a prize from Berix and Tarix 6 hours after the last one. (I have the Agori Honor Badge, Rank 5)

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Thanks for telling us. I can't either. Not sure what's going on.

Classicsmiley said... [REPLY]

Whips may be cooler than blasters, but light sabers are cooler than whips. :) I voted Star Wars.

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