
| Feb 9, 2009
3:15 GMT, and I am unable to access, not only MY LEGO NETWORK, but the entire Play section of as well. "Unfortunately, you have encountered an error on our website". Sounds like something new is coming.

I will keep trying.


ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Yeah I just checked as well with the same thing. This is a much bigger outage than usual as far as I know.

Either something unexpectedly bad happened or maybe MLN is changing more than expected...

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Yes, really good, or really bad.

I vote good!

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

your true captain -hikaru8500 ps.sorry captain i forget my password

Classicsmiley said... [REPLY]

4:23am GMT, and it's still down.

S said... [REPLY]

5.37am GMT and yes it is down...

S said... [REPLY]

To immy1. I will send you the victory banner as soon as i can connect my lego network.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

im part of captins other blog and ive been brainstorm who the networker is and its not captain jack knife
-ps im secretly follow this blog lego network name is ndragon12

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

im part of captins other blog and ive been brainstorm who the networker is and its not captain jack knife
-ps im secretly follow this blog lego network name is ndragon12

S said... [REPLY]

I think someone add yesterday a badge in the xml and write a error to. I think that the reason. The problems are not over.

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