secret networker from LU

| Feb 9, 2009
My theory:

When Brickkeeper said he had a friend that was coming over (and muttered somethign about a bricky bun), we all assumed that the friend was Captain Jack Knife, who announce a few days later. However, there is no reason to assume that. It was most likely that secret networker who we are supposed to find out about today or very very soon. Thus, this networker will give us, I believe, the electro inductor module (see earlier post). Then, we can use that to hasten our pirate/ninja quest.

We shall see.


ekingsley said... [REPLY]

FYI, I was looking at the LEGO Universe site and I noticed there is an official comment (by LEGOUniverseMaster)in regards to the Newsletter and the Secret Networker...

I have no idea what the holdup is but it looks like the Newsletter should be coming out soon.

Arikk said... [REPLY]

The new networker doesn't gives you anything related with the Electro-Pellet. I got he Electro-Pellet Inductor Module Blueprint via the newsletter. You can see it on my page. Search for TheUltimateVolcano. I won't post the code since this blog rules prohibit that.

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