You can watch the The LEGO Club Show Episode 4, Part 1 here. If you have trouble viewing the movie, view it here or try clearing your cache. Stay tuned for Episode 4, Part 2!

But that´s not all that is new! There is a brand new LEGO Prince of Persia minimovie airing on 7th May, 8:09 PM during the Disney XD Movie Event! Check out the trailer here.
I am a little surprised that LEGO is doing so much with Prince of Persia.
That's kinda cool. I don't know why he let falls all of his lego creations. That's not needed...
*adds 40 points to Gatanui*
Thanks, Sim! :)
I get an error when attempting to go to the LMB's, anyone else having this problem?
the main LU page has been updated with a direct link to the Beta Center.
@ HeroChild
I noticed that, it also provides a link to a special-access LU Message Board. :)
@ Admins
Just curious, have my clicks been redeemed yet? Sorry if I seem nagging, I have been busy so i don't remember. Also, i think I accidently entered in the MLN Blog Point thing twice yesterday.
Crackers5- You currently have 60 blogger points available. What did you want them redeemed on?
You can enter your name every eight hours.
LEGO has commited to a lot of "COMMING SOONs" lately.
I just stumbled upon an old movie, which had a special feature disk containig a LEGO version of one of the scenes.
It is amazing all the time LEGO takes to make itself better.
@ Herochild and Crackers5, The Beta Center is only accessible when you are logged in to your account. I believe that you have to be in beta to go there (I am not 100% sure). Thus we probably shouldn't be talking about it here :)
OK, I'd like them all redeemed on my top Lightworm please!
OK Crackers, your clicks will be redeemed soon.
Thank you! I just built the 3rd out of 10 Thought Interface Controls! ^_^
Does anyone know if the Max minifig pieces are in any sets, or will be?
At cracker: There are Max minifig keychains and I think you could get them in LEGO Club Events.
This LEGO scene you speak of wouldn't happen to involve Camelot, would it?
...It might've been...
@everybody else
I found these pieces of evedence that the treasure chest loop might already exist in MLN (click on the sun)NOTE: the seccond photo may be a bit blury.☼
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