1st- Arin3 (Picture)
2nd- Mrs.Teavee300 (Picture)
3rd- Eragon.Saphira (Picture)
Congratulations! The blogger point rewards are as follows: 200 for Arin3, 100 for Mrs.Teavee300, 50 for Eragon.Saphira, and 15 for JohnnyThunder2468 (picture) and mellloyellow (picture). Blogger points can be redeemed for clicks or items at the market. Thanks again to everyone who entered. We hope that you'll enter the next contest too! Speaking of which...
Memorial Day Contest
We got a new contest up! Your mission is to design your page in a way that reminds you the most of Memorial Day. For more information, please go here.
Also, we made a poll so you can help decide which contest we should do after the Memorial Day one! To submit your vote, please go to this form.
Congrats winners! Has this been posted yet?
Eragon.Saphira, a picture has been taken of your page. Thanks for your entry!
Have you guys ever thought of doing a stop motion animation (movie) contest?
I most definitely have but I'm not sure how many people would do it because they require a lot of work.
I have also thought of doing a stop-motion team effort where each person does a certain part of a certain storyline, but that would take a lot of effort beforehand.
Thanks, I will now return my page to how it normally is.
Mrs.Teavee300, a picture has been taken of your page. You may now change it back to normal. Thanks for your entry!
Thanks! I will change my page back to normal!
Zottelkralle. A picture has been taken of your page. You may now change your page back to normal if you would like. Thank you for your entry!
thanks,i will change it back
ferch9999_soccer. A picture has been taken of your page. Thanks for your entry!
josiahgoldman, a picture has been taken of your page. Thanks for your entry!
Notice to everyone!. Only 2 days remaining to enter the Memorial Day Contest(link). Enter for your chance to win up to 200 blogger points! We've already gotten 6 entries, let's see if we can get a few more!
Zwiing, a picture has been taken of your page. Thanks for your entry!
While changing my avatar...i saw some backgrounds that looked new.
Are these new backgrounds or old ones?
I don't think so...
Arin3, a screenshot has been taken of your page. Thanks for your entry!
Last day to enter the Memorial Day Contest and vote(link) for which contest you think should be next!
joemhewitt, a screenshot has been taken of your page. Thanks for the entry!
Shouldn't it be closed now
when do you announce the winners?
8entris but only 3 prices
We would announce them soon!
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