- Decoration tool, allows you to “paint” decoration on those bricks that will allow it.
- Color picker tool, allows you to pick a color from any other brick in the scene (“scene” is LDD-lingo for the area on screen where you place the bricks and build your models)
- Color palette tool – allows you to select any color. By holding the mouse pointer over a color, a sub-menu will also expand showing all the sub-colors.
Lego is making LU-mode available to us LDD fans as-is. There is no support at all and you use it fully at your own risk. And naturally, bricks used in LU-mode are not possible to buy through DesignByMe or Pick-A-Brick.
I just tested it and it worked, good luck everyone. Any questions? Post away!
Aw sweet, it works on windows 7!!!!!
I just tested it out fully and it um hmm i cant put my finger on it...
looks a bit um RED!!
You can change the color...
I follow the steps but won't allow me to add the line that gives you access running on Windows Vista
Roddy15. Ask the admin of your computer to edit the file and then just copy the file from the admin account to your account. Probably that is your problem.
This is awesome! How did they find out? There are all the BIONICLE heads from the playsets, too! :)
Would this "LU-Mode" let us alter creations made in LEGO Universe (BETA, at least)? If you go into the files for the game, there are a bunch of LDD files of models in the game, including ones you have made on your property.
Up to now, if you tried to open them with LDD, it would say something like "LDD could not load some of the bricks in that model". I haven't tried this mode yet, but this may let us change those models in the game. That would be interesting...
*Admins*- I'm not sure how much of this post you can allow to go public due to the non-disclosure act, so feel free to edit it to what you think to be acceptable.
For Windows Vista and 7
Go to "computer" then "local Disk C"
enter "program files" doubleclick on "LEGO company" "Lego Digital DEsiner" then click on "Assets" and there should be an icon like a gear and a notepad, click on that one,then add the line!
@ roddy 15,
right click on the file and choose: Open as Administrator, it should work on vista...or if you are running on a guest account just follow Sim533's instructions...
*Ditto with the last comment to admins. XD*
I bet if you dragged some LDD files into the right place, they'd probably load...
But that would probably be considered cheating, so that's probably not a good idea.
And it probably wouldn't work. =P
Probably, probably, probably. XD
Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting that anyone try what my previous post implied. I was just wondering if that could be a potential hole for cheating in LEGO Universe.
Probably not... After all that, I didn't found any LXF files in the LU folder. So, I don't know if there is anything we couldn't tell...
There are quite a lot of LXFML files in the client/res/brickmodels sub-folders.
The Minifig Mission countdown has been put down 10 000 000 minigigs,
I love how LEGO has implied that somebody has bugged LU by using the Maelstrom lol!
Я, как я уже раньше говорилось, будет с большим энтузиазмом относится к идее "My Lego Network Blog", которая поддерживается в более Языки. Хотя можно пользоваться несколько теми другой язык, по-настоящему установить с веб-сайта, как международные необходимо включить параметры для других Языки.
Всегда лучше,
Yeah, with the latest update a lot of the models were removed. I'm suspecting that they are gradually moving all of the data to the servers, and less of it is being downloaded onto our computers.
With the actual release of LEGO Universe, they would want as much as possible to be hosted on their own servers to avoid tampering. As of now, however, it appears they are fine with you changing certain things in those files (check the message boards).
Мы в настоящее время занимаются лучший способ перевода нашего сайта на другие Языки. Пока мы не делать, я предлагаю вам использовать Google переводчик для перевода своих страниц и комментарии на русский язык. Вы даже можете перевести ваши собственные комментарии на английский язык, прежде чем публиковать их так, что вы можете прокомментировать здесь и взаимодействовать с другими фанами LEGO. Спасибо за ваше терпение.
In case you were wondering, that comment was left in Russian, and was asking about translating our web page to other languages. I responded in Russian, which, thankfully, I speak fluently (with a little help from the Google Translator ;-D )
LOL. Great find, Vanderdecken12. I would like to add something to that comment of you. We don't want everyone is using his language to post a comment on this blog, because this is still a English site/blog. We wouldn't approve any comments anymore in other languages, but we just let this trough to let him know that we are working on it and that we fully agree with him.
I thank you Vanderdecken12 for the consideration you have made on the suggestion of mine. I too appreciate the suggestion of this tool of Google, although, as it does turn out, able am I to write roughly in English (or Английский as would I refer to it). To you I wish luck in this endeavor of yours, and I do hope that following the English writing of mine is not difficult.
We are happy to hear feedback from our fans as admins of those blog. So thank you that you shared your idea with us.
By the way, you can also use that same Preferences.ini file to change several other things, including your "Recent Models" and camera angles.
I've used this file to change the Recent Model list into more of a favorites list, giving me links to the models that I'm more likely to edit. Also, some people may find the Repeat Paste function to be helpful, as it allows you to place many of the same brick without needing to reselect it.
Thanks you. Also, your English is actually very easy to read. Good job with it :-)
You could use Google Translate as a temporary solution to multi-language support: just put links, like the ones below, on your page.
Does this seem like a viable option?
I believe what we have now works. Sim's the mastermind behind this one, however.
Do you already have a system for multiple languages? I was just suggesting something free that might work on a short notice. Good luck with whatever you plan on doing!
We just launched the new version of the translator thingy. People that speak other languages than the current language would see a box at the top of the blog asking if they want to translate to their language.
where is the Link people please?
Hello there! LDD 4 automatically includes the LU mode. So, install LDD4 from LDD.LEGO.COM and you did it!
Good luck and if you have more questions, feel free to ask!
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