The Easter time has come and we decided to do something...
Welcome to the first Easter egg hunt we've had on our blog! We have hidden a total of 5 eggs on the market and on the main blog. You're goal is to find them. When you find an Easter egg, simply click it and enter your MLN username into the form. There are three different levels of difficulty and you will be rewarded with a number of blogger points (can be redeemed for clicks or items at the market) based on what level you find. There are two easy eggs, two normal eggs, and one golden egg (extremely difficult). The number of blogger points rewarded is as follows:Easy- 10 pointsNormal- 25 pointsDifficult (Golden egg)- 50 pointsPlease only enter your name once per egg. The contest starts now. Good luck, and have fun!!
Easter Contest
And that's not all! There is also an Easter contest for everyone to enter! To read the information about how you can enter, go to this page.MLN Blog Lu Beta Testing Team
Vanderdecken12 added something to the blog, it allows people that are on the MLN Blog Lu Beta Testing Team to show if they're on LU (online) or not (offline). All you have to do is enter your username into the box and select online, then when you're done playing LU you select offline. Everyone could view the list. More information...
It's almost here!
Oh yeah, and check the release notes on the patcher!
Some pretty awesome stuff there! ;D
I love Easter!!!
Hey, I found the golden one! Thank you, source code! :P
Are all of the easter eggs at the market or here?
They are hidden on both the main blog (here) and on the market for a total of 5 eggs.
Hey crackers5. That's cheating. *Goes to doc 5 to delete your name from the list of founders* (JK)
LOL! I never look at source code, I don't understand very much of it. Was that where it was supposed to be hidden?
Well, I saw you entered your name already to the Easter Egg 5 Form. So you found it actually. It's not in the source code BTW.
I always look at the source code...
And sim, your last statement is not true.
I found them all, but I don't want to be deleted... :)
Oh, whatever. I was just telling that because not everyone should look into the source code...
Yeah, I agree. You should definitely at least try find the eggs on your own.
I was just being resourceful, but I wouldn't have been able to find the golden egg by myself anyways, because it doesn't work in firefox.
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