Bionicle and Ben10 News

| Nov 5, 2009
Some news of the Bionicle creator. Thanks to B-man8397

  • Glatorian Arena 2 download: I don't know if it'll ever be put on the server. There are resource issues, and it's not a high priority right now, unfortunately.
  • Glatorian Arena 3: Still waiting for that to be put online. You guys'll probably find it before me. Hint: it won't be on
  • Comics: Same deal as the Glatorian Arena 2 download: resource constraints. Again, don't know when they'll be updated.
  • 2010 web game: It's coming along really well. It'll be a tower defender type of game, by the same company who did the Mahri, Phantoka, and Mistika games. Scheduled for late January or early February release. Should be really fun. (And I'm not even going to get into the discussion of "Is it canon?" - my answer is Yes but I'm sure others will disagree.)
  • January update: Some text updates, and of course downloads and stuff, but mostly it'll have a cool story on the home page. It'll be updated twice a week.
  • Ben 10: check out the teaser site tomorrow:
  • Ben 10 again: Just finishing up the full site for a January launch.

Other news
This theme will be launched on November 24.
8056 Encounters with the Monster Crab / 8057 Underwater Scooter / 8058 Gigantic Shark / 8059 Sand Cutters / 8060 Turbojet / 8061 Octopus Gate / 8075 Neptune's Submarine


TheSkeletonMan939 said... [REPLY]

Hey, just like he said, the Ben10 site was updated. I don't watch that show, but even for me, the mini movie was cool.

Samuel9544 said... [REPLY]

Check hppt://

Gatanui said... [REPLY]

At Samuel: That is actually months old. :)
Thanks for the information! I will look for the GA 3 game. :P

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

If you found the place where we could play it then say it here also!!!

Unknown said... [REPLY]

when will glatorian arena 3 be released?Also why will it not be on

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I couldn't answer both questions because i even don't know it...

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

I've already seen this but it is very awesome, nice find b-man. I think Ben 10 objective is to make more money because many people like ben 10 but what i'm waiting for is that maybe they might release a mini-rank.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

A minirank? For MLN probably or something...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

well, someone spoiled the spoiler i could have posted.
i know tons of new sets from next year.

does anyone remember the old lego line called "galidor"? looks like ben 10's going to be a second galidor. galidor was pretty unpopular because it was almost completely non-lego.

by the way, the pictures posted have the "confidential" watermark on them. we might get into some slight trouble with this. i do have some pictures without the watermark, though.
since the cat's out of the bag already, i'll go on to say that in atlantis, there are sea-creature minifigs.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I remember that...

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