New Avatar Outfits?

| Oct 21, 2009
This may be old, but no-one seems to have noticed it. I only noticed it this week, and I didn't see it last week.
There appear to be a few new outfits, but I'm not too sure.

Note: if anyone disproves this, i'll edit, saying so.


Gatanui said... [REPLY]

I have checked, and none of them is new as far as I know. ;)

Gatanui said... [REPLY]

News: LEGO Club newsletter "shipping" with Halloween stuff! :)

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Where you found this?

Gatanui said... [REPLY]

@Sim: If you mean me, I just found it in my e-mailbox. ;)

Bioduel said... [REPLY]

Theres a sticker at Seyour brickstein's page.

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

I have a question about the quiz of the day, that I forgot to ask earlier:

I think I know what it means, but I need clarification: What does it mean to "Save the First Letter", don't save it, or save a certain letter?

I'm just confused by it

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Weird, i didn't get anything...

It's easy, berrykit. You muse save the first letter of your answer. You could make a word when it ends. I don't know when it ends because it's vanderdecken's idea...

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

It's not going to be a word, but rather a URL key for a spreadsheet that will have a reward on it. There are about 13 more left, and if you miss any, you can go to the "previous answers" section, though that ruins the fun a bit...

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