Happy Halloween!

| Oct 31, 2009
Halloween is the one day of the year where you can go door to door dressed up in a costume, taking candy from strangers. We hope everybody has a fun and safe Halloween this year. Feel free to post what you were for Halloween, or something special about how the area you live in celebrates this ghastly holiday.

Wish each other a Happy Halloween and if we reach 10 posts from 10 different users we will give out 100 clicks to a random user that posted 'Happy Halloween'. (If you don't have a bloggername, then just post anonymous and add your MLN name under the post.)

A few days ago, we asked you what we must do on our blog on Halloween? The answers that we received could be viewed here... (Winner also included)

Happy Halloween!!!


Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Happy Halloween

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Happy Halloween,
Try out he code GHOST in Robot Chronicles.

Buge said... [REPLY]

Yay! I won! I think there is something wrong with the clicks, document, it won't let me see it, it says something about a publishing error.
For holloween, I will carve a penrose triangle into a pumpkin. I haven't even started yet, lol. It will be hard.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Holloween? Probably you mean Halloween. Are you planning to put a candle in it?

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Solved that problem, bugefun !!!

CheshireCat150 said... [REPLY]

Happy Halloween!!

My favorite part of Halloween is carving pumpkins. I not sure what I'm going to carve yet.

Good luck, Bugefun. ;)

Buge said... [REPLY]

Oops typo.
Well, now I can see the points, but it has the problem for the answer thing in this post.

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

Happy Halloween!

We're still sick, so today is a stay at home do whatever day! XD

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I don't think I'll have a safe one though. After all, some kids threw a pumpkin at our window one time.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Berrykit: just make sure you have candy on hand.

Bugefun: LOL, good luck with the penrose triangle!!!!

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

That funny to hear. You know about the sentence: 'Trick or Treat' Probably that was the 'trick' :P

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Yes, but what happened was worse than you think. You see, it didn't just "go splat" on the window. The pumpkin shattered the window and cost us about a hundred dollars in repair. Did I mention that it was in the middle of the night?

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Oops. That not fun anymore. :( I was thinking it just bumped again off and there was nothing broken. Were you sleeping? Hopefully you were not sleeping by that window...

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

No, you didn't. It's amazing how irresponsible many people are...

CheshireCat150 said... [REPLY]

Oh, that's too bad, B-man. :(

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Sim: No, I wasn't by the window. My mother told me what happened since she was awake at that time.

Vanderdecken: I know! Around my neighborhood, some people's decorations were stolen about a year ago. I don't know if they got it back...

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

That a + point.

Do you mean with decorations halloween decorations or just some flowers that dissapear?

TheSkeletonMan939 said... [REPLY]

Great cheat code, anonymous!

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Sim: They were halloween decorations.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

dobbins2299. happy haloween! that is a sad story.:(

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

status update: the link is fixed.

Happy Halloween!!

Buge said... [REPLY]

The penrose triangle worked. I just finished. It looks pretty good. I made the design by editing the .svg from wikipedia. I think it was good considering I got inkscape yesterday. If you want, I will take a picture and maybe post it somewhere.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

Happy Halloween guys. Me and my brother went as Grim Reapers and scared everyone because none could see my human face because I had carved a Pumpkin and put on my head!

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

happy (late) halloween, everyone!
halloween was technically yesterday for us.
sorry to hear that, b-man. luckily for me, i live in a pretty quiet area, and no-one celebrates halloween in the "trick-or-treat" style. instead, most just dress up in the day, and watch movies at night, or something.

i don't know about everyone else, but i think halloween is being celebrated more to scare people (or get free food =P) rather than tradition...

Buge said... [REPLY]

I uploaded it. It looks great. I have to be careful about links, but my username just happens to be a link... I made a blog...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

that's pretty good, bugefun.
reminds me of that logo from that weather thing.
link to the website: http://www.weatherchannel.com.au/Magic94scripts/mgrqispi94.dll?appname=WC&prgname=WC
i can't find a direct link to the picture, but that's the website anyway.

Buge said... [REPLY]

Hmm... That logo is a penrose square with flattened corners, so it is an octagon, but it is not a penrose octagon. It's only in the Australian version of the website. The reason you can't find the image, is because it is not an image, it is flash.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

yes, i know that. what i meant is i can't actually find an image of the logo.
i first discovered the logo from the news. =)

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

happy halloween...yesterday
i got almost a full bag of canday :D


CheshireCat150 said... [REPLY]

That's an awesome looking pumpkin. Great work, and thanks for sharing it with us.

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