It begins when, lost in space, R2-D2 starts emitting a distress call without knowing that his signal contains the blueprints to build a powerful secret starship.
Whoever can amplify that signal will get both the droid location and this unique new weapon!
Players can choose to join either side of the Clone Wars conflict and fight their way to victory.
If you're wondering if Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi and Count Dooku will be in it, the answer is yes! You'll also get to show off your light saber skills.
The full game will consist of fifteen levels to be released throughout the year, which will include an asynchronous multiplayer option and a few other special features....So stay tuned!!!
The general objective is very simple: try to find R2D2. In order to accomplish this mission the player should play many levels, sorting in his way different kinds of enemies and traps, fighting inside spaceships or in planets and choosing from different characters.
The full game includes a massive multi player feature. You will choose the side where you want to play. Each level – of the 15 different unique levels - is going to be owned by the team that conquers it more times. Each time you play, you will be fighting for your team!

Sorry, off topic a bit. Remember the exclusive code for glatorian arena 2 that herochild gave? Well, I just received my lego magizine and with it was a bionicle comic with 2 exclusive codes for the game. They are CIU8M4G and M4XFUN.
no problem. B-man8397. For the people that don't know it. The other code was CUTZ96. Now, we also got CIU8M4G and M4XFUN.
Thanks B-man8397. Clicks are coming now...
So, did the game come out yet or what?
How do you use the force in the game? I can't do it.
No, it isn't out yet...
You can use the force by pussing x or z, if i could remember...
No problem garside929, to use the force in the Quest for R2-D2 all you have to do is press z and x simultaneously
Is there any more codes apart from dualsaber and redsaber?!
I don't know any more codes for the upcoming game. Sorry. Maybe someone other?!
To Sim533: I got my new lego mag.
I have some good news. The new planned release date for Glatorian Arena 2 is September 11. For proof, check the blog. You know, the bionicle website creator's.
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