We know where you can find this sticker.
Marioinika found that the full body Tuma sticker is acheived by entering the BIO code from the 5th Papercutz BIONICLE Graphic Novel.
--> Anyone already found the code???
Yes, herochild has found the code and has share it with us. So, guys if you need this sticker. Go to the kanoka club site and post the code in the textarea
To herochild, Thank you for finding the code. You will get 30 clicks for your hard work!
theres a new webpage in lego called architecture and yes its in usa!
oh and the secret item is availible in lego universe build a tower (though i didnt paticipate)
thanks for telling us...
vander i am not sure if i will be able to post on the lu blog for the next week. if you dont mind if there is something i have not covered please post it for me.
no problem sim533!
Sure thing, Knuckles
Thanks for finding those, RocketPenguin. 15 clicks for you.
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