
| Feb 13, 2009
LEGO is yet to release the LU networkers. We will wait and see. They said very soon, so I was thinking today, right before the weekend. They might release them later one because LU seems to be geared for releaseing stuff around 4:30 GMT.

While we're waiting, I'd like to finish off those polls I made. Star Wars and Ninjas smoked Indy and Pirates in which ones you would like to see first. So now, another poll: Which arcade game do (will) you like most:

or HOP

Fight it out by commenting below.


ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Haul, looks like old school Pitfall.

While it looks by far the most interesting I may go for Delivery to try and get on a Top 10 list but that all depends on if I am Rank 10 at that point and how much space each module takes up.

Classicsmiley said... [REPLY]

I also voted Haul, but I thought it looked like Lode Runner, which is one of the games I played as a kid on an Apple IIe!

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

I think you might be right ClassicSmiley. I think I had my classic Arcade Games Confused...

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I looked them both up, and yes, it looks like Lode Runner, though there should be more interaction because of picking up bricks and stuff.

Doesn't look much like Pitfall.

PumpkinPi said... [REPLY]

I was thinking the same thing as ekingsley about getting Delivery.

S said... [REPLY]


Kaseyq said... [REPLY]

I like Hop - won't know about Haul and Delivery until I play them when they come out

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

hey vander is there anything new yet?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Nothing that I can see.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

has there been any other codes yet for echos page other than the musician.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I do not think so.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

i dont know if you read this but i posted it before where is the video item blueprint i think it is gone

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Hmmm. You appear to be right. That's odd, though. Maybe they're reloading it. :-/

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

maybe it has been gone for weeks though.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

i found something weird. the bionicle thing has been out for a while but they still havent updated the networker list.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I think they are supposed to be secret networkers. Only Raanu isn't a secret networker so you can find him and start the whole thing off.

Also, they haven't updated the "new networker" list that appears above the networker list since Capt Reynolds.

immy1 said... [REPLY]

i cant do any on page trading whats happening?

immy1 said... [REPLY]

does anyone have mantles banners i will trade so much stuff for them

immy1 said... [REPLY]

and 11 gauntlets banners

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

weird... for some reason, i can never get any artifacts from bionicle.com, through berix or tarix! and it's been days!

immy1 said... [REPLY]

wanna trade?

immy1 said... [REPLY]

ok plz could someone just trade me 11 gauntlets banners and 5 mantles banners i really need them if you do give me them ill trade you from apples to nubler crystals

S said... [REPLY]

I can send you the ancien spear Anonymous

immy1 said... [REPLY]

vander i want to know if you have that symbiosis module because if you do [plz could you put me for you friend on it because then i could become rank 9 so much easier and i will give you 200 clicks on it but that means like in 3 or 4 days ill give you the clicks alright

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I'm sorry, Immy1, but currently I don't have room to put up my symbiosis module because I need red bricks and I need plastic pellets. Maybe after they release the LU networkers...

immy1 said... [REPLY]

sure and if you want i could clk on you module

immy1 said... [REPLY]

i know the code for echos page you get the lego event badge should i say what it is?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

No, it wouldn't be fair, and it would be going against LEGO's policy.

immy1 said... [REPLY]

they have a policy shoot the people who told me will get in trouble then?

immy1 said... [REPLY]

how many codes are there?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I don't know. I just think that LEGO doesn't want the world to know about it, only those who actually did what the badge said they did. Whether the people who told you will get in trouble or not, I do not know, but I'm not willing to risk it.

S said... [REPLY]

Normally there are 100 new users a day. But today the counter has reached above the 3000. Check it out.http://play.lego.com/en-us/clubpages/migration.aspx

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Yes, Sim533, that's very odd. I wonder if it's a bot...

S said... [REPLY]

The logo for the first movie module is changed check it out

S said... [REPLY]

I see something weird. Check it out.
Do you see it? Rank 8 and a infuser beam module. ???

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Cool! Immy1 and I were discussing the disappearance yesterday. Looks like that one module.

S said... [REPLY]

Do you know what's the answer how you can get a infuser beam module in rank 8. I you don't read my earlier post. Here is it again.

I see something weird. Check it out.
Do you see it? Rank 8 and a infuser beam module. ???

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

yes, glitch or hack, probably. I have seen stuff like this before..

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

you said immy1 and you were talking about the movie item but wasnt that me

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

You pointed it out first, yes, but I was referring to when Immy1 and I were discussing it earlier, maybe just the day before yesterday.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

that makes sence.
oh yeah my email is fixed and i got the code.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

good for you.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

have tey realised fre.. yet idont know?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]


Anonymous said... [REPLY]

the new networker, I was trying to say have any lu networkers been realesed yet.

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