It is a newsletter exclusive which only members can use. It grows 10 pellets a day, plus one per 5 clicks. Basically, it's twice as good. it still takes up 3 spaces :(
and it's blue. Sorry, but I don't want to go against LEGO by revealing classified information. I'm sure all of you understand.
The secret networker has been revealed as well. He is a musician, and that is all I'm going to allow to be said until I see that LEGO is letting people give information about him away on the messageboards.
Also, I'm still working on my "guide to what LEGO means when telling us how long something's going to take". 'coming soon is over 30 days, for them, and coming "very soon", I'm yet to figure out, but it equals 12 days+a tiny bit. That's how long they say it's going to take before the LU networkers come out. Just "a tiny bit more time". Tomorrow? We'll see, but be sure to stay posted here.
Until next time,
It is on my page now.
He looks almost nothing like his silouette (I hope that's okay to say XD). Well, he does, just not what you would expect.
Yes, he does, except from a different angle (it looks like his mirror)
I wish they had an LU Top 10 list...
I have the new pellet module up and running as well.
my e-mail broke and i lost everything is there any way you could give me the code. I promise i signed up but it had to break right before it happened.
I'm sorry. There is no way to tell you without telling everybody. Bad luck.
Listen, everyone. You keep trying to ruin LEGO's system for your own sake. LEGO said that, if you didn't get the email, you don't get the badge. I'm so sorry, but I can not make exceptions, even if you used to get the magazine. Please stop asking.
To knuckles. There's a topic on the mbs. Where you can tell codes and after a time you can said the code of number 13.
this is the last page of that forum. Sim533. Happy to help.
Thanks, Sim533, that's a good way of doing it.
LEGO would be happy if you talked about the new character, there are no rules against it. If the information is out, its out.
Hello Anonymous, who are you?
Yes, but the new inductor module is out, but LEGO told us not to talk about it, so I'm going to wait until they discuss it on the message boards to talk about the new networker.
i have the module but i don't want to put it up its easy to get and plz could someone give me some mantles banners ill give you a lot of items!
i will give you guys 200 thornax for 10 mantles banners plz!
Please check out the Rank 8 Trade topic in the Trade blog. I have 8 Mantles banners I can trade and we can discuss it there.
oh my goodness!!!
i cannot believe it.
i signed up to the lego universe newsletters ages ago but never received an email.
now, right before the release of the networkers...
i get one!!! i am so lucky...
To cheshirecat150. I'm now in rank 10 and i don't need grey brick anymore. For now on i set off my symboisis. You can search an other user or let me stand over in that symboisis module. For our 70/70 deal can you click on my soundtrack module.
To sim533, wouldn't you rather have your clicks on your alien egg module? Or helping get your alien egg module? Or are you not trying for that?
Our deal goes on. Now cheshirecat150 can click on my soundtrack and i click on her lightworm. 70/70 clicks
ekingsley ill trade you tel me what and ill do it
Please check out the Captains Rank 8 Trade Blog...
I have an offer there as that is the appropriate place for Trades.
P.S. Don't agree to trades before you know the terms... Can be dangerous.
To Sim. Congratulations on being rank 10! Okay, I will click on your soundtrack module. I think I'm going to take down my symbiosis module now because I don't need any more gray bricks.
Sim533, wouldn't you rather have those clicks on your inductor module?
In the march edition of the lego club magazine will appeare a code for the delivery module.
I can use 50 clicks on my lightworm. And i will send you 50 clicks. Deal?
Are you talking about me?
To cheshirecat150. Thanks!
Can you post your progress here?
Yes, i will trade 50 clicks on my lightworm for 50 clicks on your module (you can choose). If it's a deal. Pleas recomment and send me a mln-mail if you done.
Ok, but just this once. I will click in a little while. Please click on my bottom Electropellet inductor module.
Okay. I will click now.
You've got 2 electric modules.
Which one?
The bottom.
How come only one of your inductor modules is the new one? You can have more than one, you know.
It's so cheap to make them too.
you get so much more from clicks and waiting a day! It's so nice XD
Oh and sorry for not clicking on your hop module, I'm a little too busy today. Math is so hard and takes forever to do... :(
I have anough gray bricks. I now need 182 more transparent bricks. I put an other lightworm module on my page. Please click on the one that is the second from the top. Thanks!
In the page builder you can see now around the module a orange rand.
Thanks sim533
Hey vanderdecken12 i just gave you some clicks on your module
p.s. click my dem
You may know this but
vanderdecken12 got on the high score list.
ekingsly plz ill trade you anything for the banners how about lots of thornax or fangs anything plz just say them here and ill mail you the items
Knuckles, thanks for the clicks. I am very excited that I am on the HOP high score list, and I couldn't have done it without all of you!! Thank you!
This are some link where you can find new thing(codes) and the latest news.
(in the last one said someting about robodog. He's coming to to MLN?
I'm afraid one of your links doesn't work, Sim533. As for Robodog, it'd be cool, but I think that guy was just guessing about the LU musician networker.
In that link there should be a answer to the code entry coming soon. I think
vander i see you changed your avatar its cool but i like your old one better
so anyone wana trade some mantles victory banners? ill give you anythin including nubler crystals
Thanks, I plan on changing it back after Valentine's day.
you weren't only on HOP, but yesterday, you were on concert! I'm not sure about today, I haven't gone on yet, but you had 2 top 10's!
yes, I am high enough, I think, that I am pretty safe from being taken off of either.
It's pretty cool, being on two top ten lists.
Friendly Felix has now been publicly revealed:
hi what does the new module do differently? by minifig2099
It gave pellets faster.
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