Go to Echo's page and you will see a padlock. That's right, a padlock. Don't know why, don't know any codes, but there it is...waiting to be used. I tried doing a couple random codes, but each one costs a click! No doubt, this will be really useful in the future. It's a good way to flush out the crazy guessers, since it does cost a click each time.
We shall see. I will keep you all up to date. No LU email yet.
Please subscribe to my blog using the RSS feed or the email to the right of the screen. Both are very good ways to keep up to speed and be sure you don't miss a thing. You can also sign up for my other blogs the same way. Please do. It's totally secretive, I do not recieve any of your personal information (I don't find out the email addresses), and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Also, they are continuing to tweak the Bionicle campaign. The Ancient Spear now requires two Quicksilver Flux to build, instead of three Red Pearls. Quicksilver Flux is now available from Berix's page for a Red Pearl, instead of the other way around.
There are a couple of new items at www.legouniverse.com, including a poll asking which MLN Networker you're looking forward to trading with.
Someone has said there would be star wars sticker in the future.
It is a post on my forum about the MLN XML with Star Wars Stickers on
Yes, i know it. I'm reading your site too.
The Module is how you get your LEGO World Event Badge;
(I know the Password)
where can i see the star wars stickers?
Hey Vanderecken12 I going to make a topic about it so users can post codes for the padlock on echo's page.
hey sim533 i will ask you PLEASE CAN I HAVE MORE BANNERS!!!!
you know whats weird they haven't improved Simon and Jamie yet they been out for long time maybe they will be unleashed soon
does anyone have the basstion module if you do tell me and ill face you with a catapult
remember how on the page that says coming soon for delivery. It says that lego magizine subscribers will get a code to enter in order to get it you probably enter it on echos page.
this could also mean that we will get a code in our e-mail for the lego universe thing.
hey anyone got any guantlas banners i only need 5 are you up for it contact me bye saying deal then we will get to bizz
To Xander0077,
No, the codes are meant to be secret for a reason.
To Anonymous,
It was a rumor, which some people have good evidence for. But I believe it was by hacking that they figured it out, and that's not good.
To Anonymous,
I'm sorry, but I am taking a very firm stand on giving away codes for this module. Even now that you told me that one, I'm not going to use it. These codes were meant only for people who do certain things.
I'm sorry. I only have that 5 i send you yesterday.
I found out that the new pellet inductor is for Magazine subscribers, and grow 10 a day + 1 for every 5 clicks, takes the same place
Oh sorry.
hey i cant sign in its not working in lego .com
A couple people have asked, and, let me remind you, there are a reason they are secret codes. I will not undermine LEGO on this site, and that's final.
I will, though, tell you of anything crucial, and will keep you totally up to date with everything you can get.
I'm just doing what's right, I trust you will side with me for it.
To mawrvik,
I see you got the LU email. I haven't gotten it yet, but I am signed up, so they are probably just going through the list right now.
Unfortunately, it says when you enter the code that this is something which must remain top secret , so I"m afraid I can't allow the code to be released here. I am very sorry.
As for the secret new networker, I can't say everything about him, but he is a musician, and I will be sure to tell you all everything about him when he comes out, as well as telling you when he comes out.
That module is for the Lego World Event Badge. But before any code requests I DON'T KNOW THE CODE.
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