My Fun Site

| Feb 4, 2009
I made another blog. This one is for doing fun stuff in  MLN, like making quizzes and contests, or joining a birthday club that rewards people when it's there birthday month. If you would like to join, please click the link on the right side of the screen.


ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Berix is no longer sending me items again. I have 2 of each Spear Fragment now so I don't know if I hit some upper limit or not.

Anyone else not getting stuff from Berix anymore?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I noticed the same thing.

I just made the FUN site sot that people can post anonymously, but anyone who can, could you please make a GOOGLE account? It makes it easier to keep track of who comments here.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

To mwarvik3838, sorry, but for privacy reasons, I do not allow links to sites other than my own and LEGO. However, I did look at your forum and it looks cool.

S said... [REPLY]

The last 10 days i get nothing. Does mwarvik3838 post here. He's got a good site but this is a better site. IT's more ordenly and correct and you get 50 clicks if you found a good new thing :)

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Yes, he left a comment saying that he liked the blog, but he mentioned his forum, so I had to reject it (no links allowed here)

S said... [REPLY]

Yes, i know. On that site the news from mln is there a day later then here. But on that site there are more members :)

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

OK, no problem, I will continue to post, was not sure if it was allowed.


Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Thanks for understanding, mwarvrik, I'm glad to have you posting here.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Can I post here, or do I need to send you a e-mail to give you news?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Oh, no, you are welcome to comment here. I am the only one who makes posts, but you can comment about anything new, and I usually reward big finds with clicks.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

hey captain remember our deal for 100 clicks on your hop module in exchange that you give me 5 of each jem. I am at 75 so go ahead and send me the jems and i will finish the deal off.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Sure, just did.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]


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