LU Newsletter extra?
Posted by Vanderdecken12 | Feb 27, 2009 Labels: MLN
"And for those LEGO Universe newsletter subscribers there’s a little something extra! So keep an eye out for those VIP codes."
I'm looking forward to an additional little challenge or something like that.We'll see.
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I think they mean the electro plastic module.
I don't think so Sim533. The way they worded it "Look Out".
That means it is coming. The module already came and if you missed it there is no way "legally" to get it.
I think there is something else coming although I don't have any hope for it being something big.
(Back on Concert Module top 10! Clicks to my module would be a big for me keeping the slot).
Okay, that your opinion but what do you think they can launch now after the rank?
Congratulation E I say: Go to number 1. >good luck
How about a code to get the Video Module...
Do you think the should launch the video module with a email.
Just a opinion: They could send the lego universe sound 2.
To Ekingsley, yes I got it. I'm going to make you an author now, but feel free to not do anything until I'm gone, or whatever. I do definitely want you on for as long as you're willing to stay. That way you could cover me if you think I'm afk. No pressure.
No problem Captain,
I will be quite conservative with my posting. Only major announcements and such. Sim533 is pretty quick on the draw so there may not be any need unless he is asleep when something happens :)
Sim533 is very quick.
May I ask you two which time zone you live in? I'm -8:00 hours from GMT.
I'm -5:00 GMT
I think it's better if you post something directly if you see some news. That make this site a good site with a fast service.
Sim I will post when I see something. What I was saying is that chances are you will beat me anyway.
With all the things that have happened so far I think I only "Scouped" you once for the Captains 50 click prize.
with the last you was earlier. The lu quest. Did you know how to make a new topic?
He wasn't an author then.
This works out perfect, our time differences. Sim533 is awake when I'm asleep, I'm awake when he's asleep, and Ekingsley is close to in the middle for when we're both not available.
hey vander is possible that i could have a chance for being a monitor?
No, I am keeping authors down to just us three.
Vanderdecken12 why don't you want to be my friend i know am only rank 3 but i am in the rank 3 top 10!!! my nick name is fatcatnine i sent you a new friend request ok plezzz!!!!
Ok, I have asked you to be my friend. I kind of guessed you had seen my site from how many times you asked, but I need people to comment. Please make a Google Blogger account, and make your avatar your MLN avatar so you can officially join.
Even then, I am happy to be friends with anyone who comments on my Blog.
Hey fatcatnine (or anyone else). I am currently dealing with a small surplus of clicks. If you send me a solar power cell, I will click on your race/stunt track module, no matter what the rank. All I want is one click on my page (any old module. Preferably an arcade if you have a token)
That deal lasts as long as there is nothing new in MLN.
hey vander idk if u no me but i love ur blog u r so awesome thnx
plezzzz be my friend Vanderdecken12 my mln nick nane is zippurrwhitepaw thank you i am a friend of fatcatnine :O
I am your friend now. Feel free to send me solar power cells, which I will click on your page with in exchange for 1 click on my page (any module) per click on your module.
zippurrwhitepaw, you must send me a solar power cell each time you want me to click.
Also, fatcatnine, are you clicking on my page every time you ask me to click?
P.S. please continue our discussion at http://mlntrades.blogspot.com/2009/01/rank-3.html.
It's my trade blog.
fatcatnine. I think you need to click on my page. I don't think you have clicked at all. You owe me 24 clicks if this is true.
Ok, I see that you have clicked. The stunt track module is on my page now, but clicks you spend on that will not count toward the clicks you need to spend on my page.
On the other hand. I am almost done on the computer, so I will take the module down. If I see you are still on the computer, i will put it back up.
To FatCatNine, please state your progress.
Uh guys. You going off topic.
To xander0077. What can i help you. Please comment back and i see what i can do.
To Sim533. Can you help me get some gypsum and some pipe please.
hey crazyracr dude has the game and skin so i played it and won and the good part is you always win!
Sorry, Xander. I have no pipe and gympsum. But put out your module and if i get something from you i'll send it directly back. Also , you can trade here for gympsum and pipes. http://mlntrades.blogspot.com/
>Good luck
To cheshirecat150. I see your comment here (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5752737261517685180&postID=6345956052143825948). I can give you 90 clicks if you give me 90. I think i start give you 90 clicks after your holidays if you say 'it is a deal' (here or mln-mail).
To knuckles987654321. I'll see your mlnmessage. I'll will give you some clicks but WHERE, do you want them. (30 clicks). Opinion: Dino exvacation module? Please comment back or sent a mln mail(ex: click on my ...)
To sim533
Go ahead and click my DEM.
By the way all the clicks i gave you where on your felix concert module, i hope that was what you wanted.I am about to give you 10 more clicks on it now.
To Sim533.How about spend some clicks on my Electro Pellet Inductor Module please?
To knuckles. Yes i see that, you clicked on my felix frienly arcade module. But the following time you click, please take my soundtrack module(i will give some clicks (more then 10) back if you send me a mln mail and i see that you've got clicked). Now the clicks are now coming to your page.(30 clicks dem)
To xander. Here come the clicks (30 clicks)
By the way, knuckles. How much click does your dem needed anymore?
Hey does anyone have any dino horns perferably 3.
to sim533
i need 80 more clicks.
What do you think about it, knuckles?
I give you the rest of my clicks and after you take off your dem, i'll make the bill of all the clicks i give. You send me the clicks back.
sim i gave you clks on your felix module
to sim533
you have a deal.
Roger that. I'll begin tomorrow.
Thanks. Immy. Congrantulations with the video.
sim do you have any dino horns
or anyone for that matter. I will trade.
Sorry, i haven't 3 dino horns
tell me if you get any or know someone with some.
To xander. I see your thank with the items but for now on i have enough. (Thank for the items you sent the last hour :P)
Go here to see if anyone else can trade you 3 dino horns
To knuckles. I have A dino fang but no dino horn.
i have 8 dino fangs if you need em
How do the Top 10 lists work anyway? I have been on concert for the last few days and have 1060 clicks. Suddenly I am not on the list but my total is more than the last 3 folks on the list.
I do notice that about 5 folks flip on and off the list while another 5 seem to always be there (Including Captain and Pizza Pocket).
I just wonder because being on any one list can account for lots of "free" clicks every day and I want to try and get on and stay on a list. I was hoping to pick up another 300+ clicks this weekend and maybe pass one or two more folks but as soon as I went off the list the clicks dried up.
I guess I am more frustrated than anything... Any thoughts/advice?
well maybe its the game and their other module clks put together (just a thought though)
vander like Ur new page
ohm on numb chucks page what does it do?
To immy. You need the omh for making the retuned worn fork blueprrint
what about the harpoon handle ?
To vanderdecken. i found something news on a site. But i don't know if it's true. I don't know if i can start a new topic here with that news because we post here only true news. And she or he (i don't know it) said it was found in the XML. Do you know what it is?
To immy. The harpool handle is also a ingredients of the retuned worn fork.
hi Vanderdecken12 it is fatcatnine thank you for helping me become rank 4!!! but i need some dino scales!! P.s.click on my race track module:P
Sure thing, I'll keep clicking.
i need someone to put out there consert1module i want to spend some of my arcade tolkens just reply to this and ask me to click on your game your friend fatcatnine fishy!><>
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