Creations approved now!

| Feb 26, 2009

Look at this link for your creation
and see if your creation is approved.

To these people: Vanderdecken12, Ekingsley, Psycholegos, Skotch5, skipper24, mwarvik3838,
Your creation(s) are approved now.

The universe crew is also approved creation in the next hour(s)
Is your creation still pending then can I said one thing: Keep on Smiling :)


Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

That's a good post, Sim533. Nice use of the picture.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Thanks. I hope i don't break any of your rules on this site.

Do you see the amazing advertising on mwarvik site .

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

do you know about the prices for the new lu networkers

Ian "The Boss" McInroy said... [REPLY]

sweet thanks for telling me, now that i know im gonna go on and get the reward!

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

The universemaster has come with a new article. It goes about the new networkers of lu.

I say this because i find it's a funny picture.

acasscdverv said... [REPLY]

@Vanderdecken: I approved you

immy1 said... [REPLY]

u know for the front the bottem of it its a new pic

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

I have one question... how do I get the "Retuned Tuning Fork Blueprint from unlock page"? I've had 3 creations approved so what do I do now? I've almost got the LU Badge. Do I need to have the badge before I can get the retuned tuning fork or is there a code I need that I didn't get? I am subscribed to both of the LEGO newsleters so what's the deal? Thank you so much in advance! JesusFreak819

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Go to

and click "download" and then click "harvest". If you can't do that, then I suggest waiting until you get the badge and then try again. If you need help getting the badge/finishing the mini-rank, go to:

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