LEGO Club email

| Feb 20, 2009
We got another LEGO Club email. This one had a code for an exclusive sticker (can't say it). The sticker isn't too cool, so don't worry. Everybody can sign up for the LEGOClub email at


S said... [REPLY]

If i subscribe to it, nothing happens.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

You have to wait until they send you an email.

S said... [REPLY]

If i follow the link, do you get then a box with club mail. If i follow the link then the only box is the universe mail

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

No, this isn't for the LU email, it's for the LEGO club email.

S said... [REPLY]

Here is it, what i do.
I follow the link in the original post above. Then i typ in my emailadress. Then the following appears...

With LEGO emails you can stay up-to-date about cool new products, events and much more!
with the universe box.

S said... [REPLY]

To vanderdecken12. Could you said what sort of sticker(or the name of the sticker) that you get with the code.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I forgot the name but it was like a picture of a dark mask; I couldn't tell who.

Skipper 24 said... [REPLY]

I got the email wand sticker. You're right the sticker isn't too cool. The sticker is of a Bionicle called Tuma .

Tuma's product page:

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

It looks like Lego Universe is gonna be delayed too... :( Unfortunate, but it looks amazing!

immy1 said... [REPLY]

it says there is a new magazine but on the website it dont show is it just me our does anyone think somthing is in the magazine they dont want us 2 know yet

immy1 said... [REPLY]

vander i gave you 80 clks on your plastic module and 70 on your symbius module

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Immy1, I have to cut off the deal. I need red bricks.

I see you are using multiple MLN user names. That is against LEGO rules.

S said... [REPLY]

If you click on a transmuting pool you get a grey brick.

S said... [REPLY]

Can someone test it out if you get a grey brick . I don't have the right items for that module.

ekingsley said... [REPLY]


That isn't new. It has always been like that although the Gauntlets pool has always been a bit broken but the Mantles pool has always worked.

For Mantles the owner loads it with a White brick and the clicker needs a Black Brick (Both get a Grey Brick). Gauntlets is opposite and the host always gets a brick but the clicker sometimes does not.

This is why I never got the Symbiosis module.

S said... [REPLY]

Okay! Thanks ekingsley to clear this up. I'm reading that yesterday on a site with mlnnews and i couldn't test because i don't get black or white brick.

S said... [REPLY]

Please visit the sticker and loop site
and help us find the lost loops.

ekingsley said... [REPLY]


If I might ask, how did you get through Rank 8 not knowing about the Transmuting pools?

S said... [REPLY]

Good question. 3 month ago i was rank 8 . Then i put out my 9 transmuting pool and ask to all my other friends if they want to click. I haven't click on other transmutingpools from other friends

S said... [REPLY]

To vanderdecken12. I see you reject my post about the cheatcodes for the rocket game but i want to tell you that the codes isn't secret anymore.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Actually, my problem with them was that I couldn't get them to work. And, as for your other post I rejected, just because the codes are released on a big site does not mean they are released by LEGO.

S said... [REPLY]

If you don't know where to typ. Just if you see the rocket game click anywhere on the rocket game (not on the +) and then typ IAMBUZZ. Then there comes cheat mode is false or good or something like that.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

hey Vanderdecken12 could you put me on your symbius friend module please:) thant you fatcatnine signing off

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Fatcatnine, why do you need gray bricks right now? Sorry, anyway, I can't put it up-too much other stuff.

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