Everything is out!!

| Feb 25, 2009

Friendly Felix,

As well, the Bionicle game is out. Go to the Bionicle site to play. Friendly Felix has an arcade game you can buy, which is supposed to give you a video blueprint and the LU skin!!! Sorry guys, for not posting sooner, I was still asleep.

Please go to my step by step site for a guide to getting all the stuff soon.


S said... [REPLY]

Does the bionicle game work by someone? On my computer it don't work

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

You have to download Unity Web Player. I haven't actually played it yet so I don't know though.

Zenith said... [REPLY]

Don't work for me either, and for some reason the download page for Unity keeps timing out.... LEGO should have hosted a copy at least, can't seem to find any other site (yet) with a working download....

mwarvik said... [REPLY]
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S said... [REPLY]


S said... [REPLY]

To mwarvik. Is your arcade game easy?

mwarvik said... [REPLY]
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S said... [REPLY]

here is the link to install the plugin.

I know vanderdecken you reject comments with links that not from lego our yourself but please let this trough


S said... [REPLY]

Yes it is easy. You only need 200 plastic pellets.

For the guys who's have more than 800 plastic pellets. I think it's not a pleasure.

Zenith said... [REPLY]

That's the page I found, but can't manage to download the Windows copy, page keeps being reset. Seems it is the only download location of this player.

S said... [REPLY]

To vanderdecken. Does the link i posted work. (thanks that you approve it :))

Mwarvik. I have to win the sticker and also the video and i will play on your page. Do you get the video in your tab or must you pay something to make it?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

What I want to know is Has anyone actually played the game yet? I've downloaded it successfully about three times from the LEGO site, but it still is asking me to download.

S said... [REPLY]

yes, it is loading by me.

Zenith said... [REPLY]

You don't download the game (thats what LEGO is referring to in the future), but play online, once Unity is installed, game should load in the window. Did for me.

Zenith said... [REPLY]

You don't download the game (thats what LEGO is referring to in the future), but play online, once Unity is installed, game should load in the window. Did for me.

S said... [REPLY]

try here (if you can use IE)

mwarvik said... [REPLY]
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Anonymous said... [REPLY]

i've played it.

had to download the Unity player from the above poster's link, otherwise the game can't seem to update itself.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Ok. My problem was that it doesn't work with Google Chrome. Oh well, it seems to be working with Firfox alright.

mwarvik said... [REPLY]
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S said... [REPLY]

it seems you to have put codes.

S said... [REPLY]

play well and have pleasure. (i won my first battle)

Zenith said... [REPLY]

Easy once you get the hang of it, already a Veteren with 6/6 fights won!

S said... [REPLY]

Congratulations! I'am a copper (begin) and unlock malum and tarix

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

I have the New Concert Game on my page!

Zenith said... [REPLY]

Cost of items has been increased on Capt Jacks page. Instead of 5 pellets for a Cannon Scrap its now 50 Lucky we got in while the prices were cheap! Glitches still being ironed out.

S said... [REPLY]

Congratulations E. Did you make the creation by yourself. (I see it on the universe creation lab and it looks cool)

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

I am so disappointed that they can't figure out this stuff before they release.

We have all known about this Mini rank for some time and have been preparing and the new Inductor has been out for a little while as well.

How could they get the cost of the stuff sooo.... wrong?

S said... [REPLY]

Were the lucky one. For the people who begin now. I think in 2 month there not ready with the kata spar

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Yeah it took me less than an hour. Now it looks like it will take Weeks if not Months to do this.

Again I am very disappointed with LEGO on that even though I got in early I almost now feel like I cheated (even though I didn't)

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Another Change, on Felix' page instead of getting 5 pellets for an Arcade Token you now get an Arcade Token for 10 Pellets.

Zenith said... [REPLY]

I have to agree, is taking all the fun out of these new challenges when they are so easy.

S said... [REPLY]

Take it positive. Now you can gain faster to rank 10.

mwarvik said... [REPLY]
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... [REPLY]

What do I do with the retuned tuning fork? Do I trade it for the Friendly Felix Concert Module or do I send to to Friendly Felix? If I have to send it to Friendly Felix then how do I get the concert module? Do I have to make two retuned tuning forks? Thank you in advance. JesusFreak819

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I believe you are supposed to trade it on his page. you can send it to him though, just to see what happens..I wouldn't try it unless you have a surplus of pellets.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Thanks, Vanderdecken!

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