The aftermath...

| Feb 25, 2009
To be honest, according to many people, LEGO messed up on all the LU networkers. They started with prices set too low, and let anyone who got lucky complete the entire mini-rank with 200 pellets. If you started at 4 pm GMT like me, you're in deep trouble. Not only have they increased prices (some by over 1000%), they are done approving LU creations for today. (you need an approved MLN creation for the second step).

game, which I'm not too impressed with, although it is really cool. It's just too straight forward.

There's still much to look forward too, however. The Delivery module what added to the blueprint list, and we're pretty sure a code for the module will be in March's magazine. So be sure to come back here. Also, rumors have been circulating about a Star Wars mini-rank, and there are still one or two blueprints left unfinished, including the video blueprints.

Sim533, it is clear that we live in different time zones, and that you are capable of looking for new stuff when I am asleep! I would like to make you an author now, and maybe for an extended period, if that is alright with you. All I would want you to do is post if there is anything that comes out, and I will take over when I am back on the computer. I am sending you the request right now. And remember, NO CODES! :)


Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Also, it appears MLN is having server problems again...

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Yup Servers down. I wonder if they are doing any sort of "Reset". I don't see how they could and not have a revolt but we will see.

S said... [REPLY]

For me is that not a problem. i will do that for you.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I found it and i'm now an author. Does E send the emailadress already?

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

I have not yet. Captain, I know you don't want to go crazy making folks authors. I will help Sim out next week still if you want but I understand if you feel like you are set with Sim being a full time author.

Let me know and I will setup the Fake Email for next week only.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I think the server errors are there if there are to much people playing mln

Skipper 24 said... [REPLY]

I think they are making more amendments to the new networkers so they need to restart MLN or something. Shame I didn't start early I had more then 200 pellets and my creation still hasn't been accepted.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

You and Sim533 are the only authors I would allow. I don't think we need you as a whole time author. We'll see how Sim533 does and then decide if you author or not. Still, I definitely want you for next week.

acasscdverv said... [REPLY]
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acasscdverv said... [REPLY]
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ekingsley said... [REPLY]

In looking at the MLN Creation Lab on the LU site it appears that only 36 creations got approved today. At least 2 of which appear to be tests of one sort or another.

That is surprisingly low to me...

Of course you did not have to wait for approval to start making the Oohm or the Harpoon Handle so there could be lots of folks that just need the Masterpiece to finish up.

With that said out of 36 Approvals I think a few of them were folks watching this blog which is impressive. If somehow just the few of us get lucky and get the Concert Module early we could be in for some extra clicks with folks trying to win supplies for the LU mini-Rank.

We will see what happens when MLN comes back on-line.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To mwarvik. I think you get a code (if you are a magazine subscriber) in the march edition of the club magazine. I don't know when there are new videos ( i hope they make a new minirank about videos and extra's)

UPDATEThe mln server problems are not over.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

What do you think if I add this blog to the link list on my forum? It currently have 175 members, and then you can get lots of viewers...Just a idea

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

FYI, In order to help folks out that didn't get in early I have the LU Concert Module setup with a single click to be as easy as possible.

A Couple of the Prizes are 10 Plastic Pellets or 2 Koi Sushi.

It should help you catch up a little.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

How do you publish your own topic on the help blog?If I can't,how do you get the factory module rank 2?

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

All the values have Changed Again. Now they are somewhere between where they were at first and where they went after the first change.


Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

that'd be great! Could you please add it, and maybe a couple of my other MLN blogs?

sorry, only Ekingsley and Sim533 because they have been here since the beginning. You get the factory module rank 2 by sending F stop Clickzgerald an apple, I think.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Mwarvik, I'm curious, how does moderating work on your forum? If you advertise my site, I'd probably join your forum, but I wouldn't be able to comment there very much because I do so much here.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

We are 4 admins, 5 mods and 3 area mods that moderate the forum. Also the members report posts, so the forum is safe. I am on the time nobody else is on, and others mods/admins is on when I am off.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To mwarvik. Do that. We are love you so much if you do that.

Kidrulez/vanderdecken. Yes send a tasty apple to F stop clickzgerald.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

hey everyone!
i got the video item. it's basically the animations from all the 3 new networkers. it's the same as on their page, and contains music. it costs 10 bricks to make.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To skipper. Your creation is approved( you take it easy :) )

The mini is approve to, i am happy now. (finnaly)

Ekingsley and Mwarvik got already a approved creation

To skotch. Your creation has approved to.

And yes, Vanderdecken your creation has approved to.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

OK, I will add it to the top banner on my forum, like this:

Home Portal >Blog< Calendar Gallery FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Profile You have no new messages Staff Credits

and you know the link?

Skipper 24 said... [REPLY]

Sim533 what do you mean I take it easy ;). I am going to try and progress more now.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I will said you only put a brick in ldd and upload it to universe. There are people that make a whole cafe and upload it. That what i mean with I take it easy ;).

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To mwarvik.
Thank for the advertising.

Just an opinion.
Can you make a topic/poll there where your members can said how they like this site from vanderdecken

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Mwarvik. That's great. I just signed up for you forum.

Marco said... [REPLY]

A very frustrating concept is my creation took two(2) weeks to be approved!

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