”We thought that The Maelstrom might be increasing the minifig total. Why? To make fans believe that no more minifigs need to be sent to LEGO Universe,” said Dr John Deutschendorf from B.R.I.C.K. ”We now believe that our minifig totals are too high.”
The scientists will continue to work alongside LEGO technicians to get accurate readings. The team also plans to improve security between Earth and LEGO Universe.
”We must keep the Maelstrom out of the Great Minifig Mission website,” said Dr. Deutschendorf, ”My team will alert fans when we know how many minifigs are actually being sent to LEGO Universe. More work will need to be done, but we are confident LEGO fans are up to the challenge. Their work so far has been amazing!”
Lock your browser here on LEGOuniverse.com for more details on this developing mystery.
Thank you very much, Chris. Post your MLN name to get some MLN blog points for this discovery.
I see...
All they need to do is set up a firewall. =P
Hey... That could be a new mission! =O
Knowing LEGO, they probably already do have a firewall. I'll just bet that the LEGO Universe has a lot better computers that can break past firewalls faster than we can.
GUYS there is a new creation lab chalenge: Brighten Brickkeepers Day
Of course, that's all fake.
LEGO has a very good firewall. It wouldn'y be destroyed by imagination's nemesis.
Never underestimate what imagination isn't capable of....
Hey, it's wooton, I accidentally posted on my other account (well, technically this account)
*cough*It's a little thing called role play.*cough*
Of course we know they have a firewall.
Otherwise, the LU site in its entirety would have vanished.
And LEGO would probably taken offline for ransom money...
That's reality. Let's get back to imagination, eh? ;D
OK. 50 clicks would be added to your blog points account. You have 285 clicks ready to use now.
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