hope you were selected, check your inbox (also your spam folder, you never know)!
Are You a Beta Tester? Join the MLN Blog LU Beta Testing Team here and add some friends to your friend list!
Update by Sim533:
Finnally! The US page for the LEGO games is now online.

I haven't gotten one yet, but I wasn't a alpha tester so I probably wont for a couple of days, maby Saturday!!! Hopefully today though!!!
Well, my brother got one, and he didn't sign up at a pod location. He was an alpha tester from KIC.
Like I mention earlier, I got one, but I was an alpha tester from a pod location.
I got one, but I know someone who got a key who didn't get a Pod or go to one of the Pod sites. He was an alpha tester though...
I was an alpha tester, too, but I believe they would send out all keys at once.
At gatanui. I updated your post with other news... ;)
Are these the only keys going out, or do I still have a chance?
I just noticed that today, too. :P
THere is an atlantis game called tentacle tickle online.
I don't know SSD.
LUM just said he's looking into whether or not fans like me still have a chance...
Well, it's nice of him to do that. :)
I hope I get chosen, but if I don't...
Well, I'm glad you guys get to enjoy it. :D
More information!
" The current Beta stage is called “Closed-Beta” this consists of all the people which helped us in our last stage of testing.
Slowly we will increase this amount of players throughout the next few weeks and months.
There are so many LEGO fans around the world. Not everyone can join us for this test but please keep checking your e-mails as it is still possible that you will be chosen to answer the call.
Many thanks,
LEGO Universe Support Team”
@Sim: Did you copy that from me. =P
No, I could not access your mail. =P I think I got the same mail as you got or something like that.
Was this for alphas only? If not, are they still picking more betas? They better be. I'm going to be enraged if they don't pick me.
Don't be angry, be happy.
wheeeennnn will i get my keeeyyyy. i hope i get it tomorrow or something
@MapleMushy: No one knows for sure, although since play time this week is today, Saturday, and Sunday, I would imagine that you'll get it on Saturday or Sunday.
And if not this weekend, then the next.
Don't worry - it'll be here in no time! :D
"Don't get mad, get Glad!" :P I hope LEGO makes LU for the Mac.
I hope I get an activation key! :-)
what a time for my computer to get a virus, I really hope it gets fixed soon and that I'll be picked as well
@ gatanui, would like to be friends? if so could you send me an FR? thanks,
At SuperBen: I will send you the friend request tomorrow. :) What is your MLN name?
I didn't get my key yet. Hopefully I'll get it this weekend.
@ gatanui
its- superben21
At Superben21. Most people call me sim. I think it doesn't matter if we call you Superben or Superben21. Or does it matter for you?
gatinui wanted to know my mln name, thats all, I don't care what I am referred to as here, Everyone here is awesome!
Oh, yes. Now I see that comment. =P
I still haven't gotten my key, but I wont give up hope! :)
At Superben: Oh, you actually meant a friend request on MLN?! :P
I starting to get a bad feeling I wasn't chosing. I really hope I was chosen though.
@spider: It looks like we'll have to wait another week or two.
They didn't say it would happen in one week, remember?
Don't be discouraged! ;D
@ gatanui, thats what I ment :)
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