Please help us to find the networker's name. This networker is probably unfinished also.
We will give out 200 MLN BLOG points (200 MLN clicks) to the first user who finds the networker.
Cheshirecat150 and I have evidence that there is a new networker:
-Stanley Brick is the last networker made... He has the number Networker_MyLEGONPC104
We have concluded that there is a gap at one networker number, which means we only know 104 networkers at this time.
echo was the first networker ever made?
Yep because he got the first number...
what number is missing and who are the numbers around that number.......
It is probably the networker before Stanley Brick and after Mayor Frictionfit. We are not sure because we couldn't find out which number secret networkers have. So we made a list of Secret Networkers and we just pasted each networker on a gap in the list. And then we found out that there was one gap... We are sure there is a new one. We had rechecked 3 times...
but how could you figure out any of them?
With the source code of the help pages...
could you post the list or is that not allowed?
I think I better not do that. But it could be that Vanderdecken12 approves, so then I could post it.
If you can't find the numbers of secret networkers, then perhaps it's only Dr. Inferno, 'cause he was intended to be secret.
With secret networker I actually mean the networkers that are not in the list on the help pages of MLN.
Mayor Frictionfit is 102
Dr Inferno is 103
Stanley Brick is 104
I would need the full list or at least the ones you guessed at before I can even remotely help.
Dr Inferno:
Disappointment... There appears to be a gap in the NPC numbering sequence there is no 69
Additionally are you counting Attachment?
@anonymous. I would try to post the link to the spreadsheet where we saved the information. The 3 comments you posted were very helpfull and could let us finish this mystery. Good job!
Additionally, attachment is included in my list.
Ok. We have discussed this further and we have to agree with anonymous. There is no number 69, which means we don't know this networker. Even more dissapointing is that we don't know number 97 and 98. So, now we have not one but three new networkers.
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