Greetings, Earth Friend! YOU can sign up to become a LEGO Universe BETA Tester! HERE! Now!! BETA testing is one of the finial development phases before the Live 1 Launch of LEGO Universe! It will bring together LEGO fans from all over the world to help power up the game's performance!! When should you sign up?! Let me check the data. Start with the limited number of LEGO Universe BETA Tester spots. Right. Figure that the BETA Tester selections are SOON. Mmm hmm... add in the massive fun factor and-- OH SNAP! SIGN UP NOW for the best chance at becoming a LEGO Universe BETA Tester!So BETA Tester selections are SOON. I wonder how soon.
You can Easy Reply to this mail with two different options:
- YES! I'm signing up to become a LEGO Universe BETA Tester!
- No thanks
No! Again! I was going to post this right now! :P
Looks like I got there first. ;)
Has anyone replied to the message?
I would reply the first one...
I replied to it and got no reply in return.
Same as Gatanui. But it probably takes time.
I was thinking that since Brickkeeper sent it by MLN mail maybe there will be some MLN interaction with the beta test.
Hopefully we will get a beta tester badge if we test it. :)
I have a feeling beta will start sometime this month. I hope when LU officialy launches, Beta and Alpha testers will get some special stuff as a thanks for testing LU. Maybe a special "Testers suit" which shows evryone we tested LU.
Since other than the alpha, beta apparently uses the same LEGO ID as MLN it is very likely there will be interaction, probably a beta tester badge!
I'm hoping they release beta with a version for Macs.
They took so long, why couldn't they have made a simple app that grabs the game and puts it in a Mac window?
They better make one soon, I don't know if VMWare can handle the game...
If it can't, I'll be furious.
I'm hoping they release those keys tomorrow...
Hey, luke01999 here. New to your site, it's been very helpful! I was just wondering, I recently signed up for the beta so how long will it take for them to accept me. I also heard that to get in you need to be in the LKIC, but when I go to the site I can't join (some weird parents email thingy) so how can I join to make my chances of playing LU bigger? Ty :D
Welcome, Luke.
LKIC doesn't really increase your chances anymore. It used to be the only way in. Now that you've signed up for beta testing, your odds are as good as anybody else who didn't alpha test. So you're heading down the right track. Now you just have to hope you're lucky enough to get picked. :-)
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