More Lego Universe In MLN

| Oct 27, 2009
LEGO RepresentativeLEGOUniverseMaster


Posted: 27 Oct 2009 - 10:51PM

Hey gang! The answer to the question of whether the LEGO Company plans to continue offering My LEGO Network after the launch of LEGO Universe is "Yes. Absolutely."

And fans can look forward to more LEGO Universe characters coming to MLN as the game's launch draws nearer!Yes


Buge said... [REPLY]

Well, I assume it would have to still exist if it is connected to LU.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

I just can't wait for the game to come out!

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I don't know if i would buy it...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

yeah that's the thing I hate about multiplayer games you have to pay. But I think I am going to get it, I hope...


Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I would see if i buy it or not... Hope the cover of the game looks good...

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

hey sim533 and vanderdecken12, i sent you a friend request.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

I know. But i'm sorry, you must be at least rank 3 to be on my friendlist. Try again when you are rank 3. We could also help you to get to rank 3 a bit faster. Just go to the market.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

oh ok I see.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

dobbins2299. Will you be friends with me sim533?

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Sorry, but no. You're not very active here, you even haven't got a account here...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

dobbins2299. how do you make an acount?

TheSkeletonMan939 said... [REPLY]

Oh boy, more mini-ranks = more awards! But I hope you don't get the awards from playing the game; I don't want to pay to play.

Buge said... [REPLY]

Yeah, I don't like subscription fees.
I'm pretty sure you will get something from the actual game, because as I said on the previous post, they will be linked.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To dobbins2299. Go to and you will see...

TheSkeletonMan939 said... [REPLY]

This is a bit off-topic, but...
I beta tested the Racers game (though I wasn't invited) and I didn't get the badge. Did you have to be invited by Pedalman Wheelie?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

The answer to your question is yes.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

Hey, there's some new pictures of the Lego Universe Massive Multiplayer Online Game or MMOG for short. It's like a short image preview of the new room in Lego Universe called the Avant Gardens.
Here's The Link, If you follow it click on Avant Gardens to see some pictures.

Also on there there could be a new Lego Reality Tv Show?

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Interesting. I will maybe make a post about it, or maybe not. I have also some other MLN News... Maybe i post that...

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

yeah that would be better. I just wanted to tell you guys.

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