LDD Help Center

| Oct 18, 2009
Having trouble with LDD?
Please explain your problem(s).
What did you not see and what did
you see that's not normal.
Did you see black boxes, or can you just still not open it.
Everything, we will try to help you!
Minimum System Requirements for PC
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
CPU: 1 GHz processor or higher
Graphics card: 32 MB graphics card (OpenGL 1.1 or higher compatible)
RAM: 512 MB
Hard Disk Space: 100 MB

Minimum System Requirements for Mac
Operating system: OS X 10.4 or higher
CPU: Intel processor or faster processor
Graphics card: NVidia GeForce 5200/ATI Radeon 7500 or better (not integrated)
Hard Disk Space: 100 MB


Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To mrandrew1. What kind of problems do you have?

To Cheshirecat150. Could you still do something in it or is it just block and nothing others then directly close it.

Unknown said... [REPLY]

I was having problems getting it started but it is working now

CheshireCat150 said... [REPLY]

Sim. It was just freezing up my computer. I tried it again today and it is working much better. I am not having any problems with it. Thanks for asking! :)

Buge said... [REPLY]

I just have this one problem, but I had it with the old version, so nothing new. It is that sometimes it seems to have frozen up, but to fix it, I just un-maximize it and re-maximize it. It then works, and I see that if I made any changes (like dragged the mouse while right clicking) that it actually did change the angle, just the screen was frozen so I couldn't see it.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

OK. But when you have some problems, just say it...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

i've got a problem.
the old version was fine, but the new version will load, and just after loading, usually it won't respond. then, it'll crash, and a message saying it quit unexpectedly comes up. yes, i'm on a mac.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

well it seems like my ldd 3.0 is fine other than I can only use it once each day. when it's working and then I turn the computer off and when I turn it back on the same day It makes the screen go black and white.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

Hey I know Some of you have already completed robot chronicles but If you look really hard there is an Item on the roads that looks like echo's face and if you click on it you get 3 clippins and a congratulations from yuo-may-not believe this but Dr Inferno.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

there is a new problem with my ldd 3.0.
It keeps flashing and saying try again.

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

Nothing to do with LDD, but with MLN nonetheless...

I have enough magma drones, and I'm wondering if I sould see about Dr. Inferno's "Trophy Module" to test it out, or if someone has already done it... Let me have your input, and I will decide either based on majority vote, or if I've made my mind up yet.

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

wow you're on that bit already. I'm still getting my awards for racers and city.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To shadow. Try to open it, take free build in Designbyme. Press Ctrl+6, move the bar that you could see at the bottom of the box to the first line.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To berrykit. It has something to do with LDD...

ilc said... [REPLY]

the robot simulator is back on dr inferno's page!

Unknown said... [REPLY]

The glitch with the plasma drone plant module is fixed and it only takes up one space now.also the Dr Inferno robot simulation module is now avalible at dr inferno's page

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