Glatorian Arena 3 Preview

| Oct 24, 2009
Screenshots for the third Glatorian Arena game have been found on the Unity3D site. This game apparently lets you play as any of the winter or Legends Glatorian, for extra fun.


Sim533 said... [REPLY]

To b-man8397. 25 points for posting the link!!!

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Thanks! I guess this means they're trying to make up for mistakes in GA2.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]


B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

First off, you can't play as the old characters in the new game. Second, there is a glitch where you can't get the healing medal.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

How do you get the healing badge? Hey guys! Sorry I am not very active. I am really busy. Sorry.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Read the comment above...

Fallen Soldier said... [REPLY]

Well I hope the multiplayer on there is where you get to play against other active lego users cos that would be great. And I hope there's going to be a glatorian legends mini-rank.

Buge said... [REPLY]

Here is some news. I didn't want to make a post because it is based all on some stuff found on a different website. The people at that website (which does video game news) had a look at LEGO Universe and talked with the makers. Here is what it said: Player accounts will be linked to the existing My LEGO Network website, allowing players to check up on each other's awards, equipment and player achievements.
Also, a different one said LEGO Universe will come out in the second half of 2010. It said a ton of other stuff, like the game starts on an exploding starship that is getting sucked into a black hole and that you have to make an escape rocket to escape. And that there are pirates and ninjas fighting zombies.
I don't want to post the link, because not only is it outside, that same article contains some inappropriate things.

Buge said... [REPLY]

OK, I deleted my own comment because it wasn't appropriate...
It was about yesterday's answers. Do you know what that answer means? It isn't appropriate.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Be sure bugefun to post this not again. Because if you do this always, then you will be out of the list.

Also we can view any post posted on the site...

Buge said... [REPLY]

But I'm not the one who put it there. Someone else put it in the document. I was warning you about it. I thought that comment would be moderated and you would see it, decline the comment, and remove it from the document, so when I saw it went through, I quick deleted it. I have absolutely no idea who thought of making it yesterday's answer.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Oh, yes...

All you comments will not be anymore moderated because you were added to the list of authors.

Also, it's Vanderdecken12's system. I'm taking the music and the templates...

TheSkeletonMan939 said... [REPLY]

Say, Bugefun, that "opening story" of LEGO Universe sounds familiar... isn't that the same opening as in the Rock Raiders game?
And does anyone know how (or if) you can get more than 10 Racing Trophies?

Buge said... [REPLY]

I kind of figured that out now lol. Little bit too late though.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

No, SkeletonMan, as of now, it isn't possible :(

Buge said... [REPLY]

From looking online, it says that rock raiders has them get sucked into a wormhole and land on a planet there. In LEGO Universe you escape a black hole by building an escape rocket. Then you land on a planet where minifigs have been turned into zombies by the evil-ness of the black hole. It is trying to destroy all creativity. One article says the the LEGO Universe opening is based on the Disney movie Black Hole, I've never seen it.

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Ninjas and Pirates vs. Zombies?
"Evil" black holes?
What will Lego Universe think of next!?!

Buge said... [REPLY]

Yeah, but in the article it sounded more cool and less weird.

B-man8397 said... [REPLY]

Uh, it was a retorical question Bugefun. You didn't need to answer it.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Hmm, under that logic, B-man, you needn't have asked it in the first place. Maybe Bugefun was giving a rhetorical answer...

Buge said... [REPLY]

I know. I didn't even really answer the question. I was just saying the maybe I didn't give the best representation.

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

to the skeletonman939
get first position and you get 3 racing trophies. When it says to collect mln reward, click it and then press continue game.
i got about 21 trophies and i still have 11 left!

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