Your humble correspondant,
New Networker
Posted by Vanderdecken12 | Jul 9, 2009 Labels: MLNYour humble correspondant,
EDIT BY SIM533: You can discuss here about this.
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This blog is for keeping people up to date on Additions to My LEGO Network such as new networkers, badges, and even ranks (eventually). As well as updates to LEGO Universe and in general. We update it by the hour, so you can be sure by following this blog that you are up to date on all the MLN and secrets and releases that you need to know! Feel free to comment and ask questions, which we will answer as soon as possible.
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gahh! important stuff like this always comes out while i sleep. darn time zones...
but yes, very interesting stuff.
speaking of which, i think lego's been a bit lazy with networkers recently...
yes, also with everything... The racers badge? :)
yeah, i agree...
but what i mean by being lazy is...
did you notice the newer networkers (most of them anyway) don't send replies to networker messages?
Yes, that also if you looked in that way.
Did anyone noticed that this new networker has 'lego world event badge' and 'star justice badge'? Networkers with badge is rare... I saw almost no networkers even with two badges.
yes, . . We noticed that already. :)
That's wierd for a networker that has a star justice badge but they also the lu skin.
very weird... What could it be? :)
Is he a secret networker?
I read this post in utter confusion. How the heck are the Star Justice and World Event badges related with a Beta Testing Networker???
Hokee is a secret networker in rank 6.
You got a point. Something to think about it... :)
Hey if you try to make account and you use a legendary glatorian name its says the name is taken and if you search legendary glatorian name in mln its says does not exist so i think this rumor is true maby is making them.
Do you try to make dupes ??? :)
uhmm, yes they are making it , i hope...
Maybe it's the reporter guy, or it could be like Brickkeepers brother or something. I wonder why he has the Space Deputy Badge and World Event Badge? Guess we'll just have to wait and find out!
just discuss further. I want to hear everybody's opinion !! :)
it could be a secret agents guy and he might be the one who makes the gadgets
Joel3088. You have too many inspiration. That couldn't be true.
i know i was bored
Thanks for your opinion. Also, can you post your advertising not on our sites. Thanks. :) Kind Regards.
I have found the B.I.O.CODE for Thornatus V9.The code is 7H0RN1
That is an interesting theory. I consider it a possibility, but the LU skin suggests perhaps something else...
Maybe MLN knew that they were so far behinds schedule so they came with with a have made MLN Networker to give us something to talk about. Or maybe they just gave him a few badges and a Lego Universe background just to make it interesting. Or maybe... he graduated from the Space Poilce Academy with a design or la creation major and while there became friends with the Captain who gave him the Space Police badge because they're friends. And maybe he was displaying his creations at the Lego World Fair and since he was there he got the badge. :)
good theory!!! :]
A normal user can have all that this networker have only the difference are the sign that makes he a networker but I still believe that he is not a networker.
Why you still don't believe it...
He could be one of the people in Kludge's pic module. In fact, I think one of them has the same glasses as Attachment.
That's a good theory. I check it...
Maybe a beta test for a space section of LU?
In reply to anonymous:
The people on Kludge's pic were MLN members that were on the TOP 10 during the Beta Test.
To shark. He has also a LEGO world event Badge.
To gatanui. That's something that i didn't know.
Just want everyone to know that LEGO Agents has new posters and wallpapers.
hi, gata! didn't know you were here...
maybe i simply didn't notice it before, but now he's friends with echo and kludge dropcolumn!
hey, hold on! when you go to kludge dropcolumn's page, or echo's page, attachment isn't listed! so clearly we know who he's going to be friends with, and we know that so far he is trying to be kept secret...
whoops! i stated the obvious again...
To Gata:
There's 14 people(not including kludge)on his pic module. So how can they be the top 10? Also, people could have changed their avatar to look like one them.
I'm pretty sure the people in Kludge's Pic are LEGO online staff
(Kludge's back story is that he works for Lego as a programmer for MLN)
some of those included that have not changed their avatars are:
(I could be mistaken on some of these)
because they worked for Lego People(and their clicks) were drawn to them, so they just happened to often be in the top spaces in the Beta and Early Stages of MLN.
good point. i don't exactly doubt what gatanui said, but it is an interesting perspective...
p.s. gata, your pending friends are full =P
to anonymous 1: there are more list, like the gallery, factory, soundtrack list, ...
to anonymous 2: codeowl and pedroen are producers of the MLN. They were the creators of it. I don't know more people that produce MLN.
He also has to be a networker because he hsa befriended Kludge Dropcolumn although he does not have the beta tester badge.
this new nerworker has a lot of mysteries.He has two badges which alot of the other networkers do not have.And when you add him,hes friend request is pending.
At me:
I have found out you only need Echo´s note of thanks to befriend him, not the badge.
to gatanui...
But you receive the echo notes of thanks with the beta tester badge blueprint...
To Sim:
Yes, but he might have left the badge unbuilt. ;)
*is a networker
*has 2 badges
--Lego World Event Badge
--Beta Tester Badge
*has 2 friends
--Kludge Dropcolumn
NOTE: Attachment is not listed by Kludge and Echo
*has the Universe Skin
*is your pending friend forever
*has no modules
*has a avatar
*is a question for every MLN user since 8 July 09
The Questions :
Opinion By .
How can Attachment have the LEGO World Event Badge and the Star Justice Badge?
Opinion By Ghosthunter23
How can he has something from factory and LU. A Networker is for 1 theme.
Opinion by Shark
How can the Star Justice Badge and the World Event badge related by a Beta Testing Networker?
Opinion by Spider880
Maybe he's the reporter guy, or Brickkeepers brother?
Opinion by Mmichi26
Is he a part of the Racers Badge
Opinion by Vanderdecken12
He couldn't be a racers networker because he has the LU SKIN
Opinion by Jesusfreak819
Maybe it's just something to talk about and to make him interesting and special
opinion by GataNui
He's a networker because he has the beta tester badge and that he befriend is with Kludge.
He looks like Prof Brickkeeper. Maybe he's a networker for the next LU rank
Lego UNIVERSE skin
STAR justice deputy badge
lego WORLD event badge
Maybe there is a space connection? I just don't see how Kludge falls into it
maybe a space networker, but his name is then so weird...
that's very weird, no?
Gatanui. It only costs 1 red brick...
The badges he has have no blue prints; You can only collect them as attachments?
well, my theories are that attachment is:
-a networker which sends exclusive items via mail (i.e. attachments)
-related to beta testing (but i don't know how exactly)
-is definitely not a secret networker (because he has networkers on friendlist)
-definitely a networker because of the sign (but the badges suggest otherwise)
-is somewhat related to attachments
-if none of the above apply, then it's a hacker... a very smart hacker...
there you have it. more "stating-the-obvious". those are basically my theories and what i think is definitely true. (but it may not be...)
Actually Sim, I wouldn't rule out him having to do with Racers completely, but it would be odd for him to have the skin...
one more terribly obvious thing that some people may not have realised...
generally, secret networkers do not appear in the networkers list, right? well, attachment has friends, therefore he isn't secret. but when we check echo and kludge dropcolumn's pages, he doesn't appear. plus, he isn't in the networkers list. now, if it's not a hacker, it's probably a hidden networker. like what joel3088 said, when you search up any of the legends they are non-existent, however when you try to make an account using their name it can't be done. maybe they are very close to releasing attachment, so they don't hide him in the non-existent "form". having that said, i have no actual proof that the legends will become networkers, but it's close enough. this happened when bionicle networkers first came out, when i saw an ad a month or so before they were released, i tried searching them, and nothing. however, after a while...
could he be a test of lego universe?
At Sim:
I know it is weird, but perhaps he was modest and did not want to show the badge. :P
@ gatanui.
The blueprint of the beta testers badge is just in the middle of the 2 badges blueprints he build. ;P
i will only say with this, that if he makes 2 badges, then it's not difficult to make 3 badges...
Make a LEGO Vacation Spot challenge in LU here:
At Sim:
But neither of the badges he has requires blueprint.
wait a minute... this still doesn't exactly explain the universe skin...
Lego is very slow. I was expecting the Racers Beta Tester Badge first, then the other news reporter networker, then delivery, but apparently they aren't making those very soon. I hope they make it all soon, and make this Attachment into a real networker.
They must make also the delivery high score list...
i am not convinced this is even a networker how do we now this is not a glich.
Ive been thinking.....
I was joking with my friend the other day that users can turn into networkers and this might be true. I tried to log in with username Attachment and it said the user exists and Ive got the wrong password. i clicked forgot password and the security question is "What is your mother's maiden name?"
My user name on mln is ihatesport.
Should you for each networker make a new account?
Maybe this is the start of an alien invaison.
Do you really think that???
Yes Sim533 what else could a wierd networker mean? Everyone knows that LEGO things tend to symbolise things in real life.
I didn't believed it because nothing was linked to aliens...
What do you think the Star Justice Deputy Badge is? That means space. The LEGO World Event Badge means the whole world. And the fact that it is some random networker means strange things will happen. String it all together and it means alien invasion for the whole world.
GAHHHHH! so frustratin!! I think dis dude is NOT an alien, but da very first guy on da lego network. Also dis guy was probably universe champion of space racing or somethin...Also i think y u cant be his friend is cuz he is a beta tester who forgot to be suspended and is now sittin dere...waitin...for somethin...
i know something about him!
he is freind with kludge without beta tester badge because you dont need a beta tester badge
you only need a echo's letter of thanks
and he is not on kludge's and echo's friend list because he is a secret networker
secret networkers doesnt show on other people's friend list
Good theory. But how do you explain the 2 the line. When you got the echo notes you also get the beta tester badge!
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