LEGO Club Magazine Badge Rank 2

| Mar 1, 2009
Sorry, Sim533, I would rather post this myself. (Sim533 found this news)

According to the code of MLN, there will be a new badge, the LEGO Club Magazine badge, rank 2. However, this is still simply speculation as the fact that there was code for something doesn't guarantee that the thing will actually be there.

I still wanted to post it here because the chances are high that there will be a rank 2 badge for the LEGO Club. This is true even without the code, because we have seen that the LEGO Club Magazine badge was renamed "LEGO CLUB MAGAZINE BADGE, RANK 1". According to logic, then, there has to be a rank 2 badge. This code just shows that it will probably be coming out within the next 2-4 weeks. Keep coming back here to see if it has actually come out yet...

Go here to sign up for the LEGO Magazine. I believe a code for the Delivery module will be posted in the next issue, so sign up before it's too later.


Sim533 said... [REPLY]

you forgot the picture.
Also do you know what Xml mean?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Yes, I do, but I was hesitant to start throwing code around, and I don't think the picture ought to be shown here, because it is not officially in the MLN site yet.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

XML is a type of text file.
in an XML file, you can store text in "nodes" or sections so that another program can refer to it.

so like in MLN, each networker would have an XML file that would list everything that character could say or do.

for example,
you send a networker something in the mail, MLN checks an XML file to see what text message to send you back, it may even check the XML file to see if the networker should send you something back special.

immy1 said... [REPLY]

it might come out from simon and jaime and the other will have the rank 3 badge

immy1 said... [REPLY]

if anyone could clk on my game module ill give you 10 clks per play

immy1 said... [REPLY]

for the hop module on keys 2 award it shows the rank2 lego badge wierd

Sim533 said... [REPLY]
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sim533 said... [REPLY]

Thanks to anonymous. If you can leave your mln user id.

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

Knowing something about XML I would not mess with it. You can look at the file, that won't cause a problem. I have found the MLN XML files myself and you can dig up some interesting info.

If you like your account though. Don't mess with your XML file.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Is this about that (out) LEGO Club Magazine Badge, that has been in the XML since 2008/09/11?

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

The Badge is still called the "LEGO Club Magazine Badge"
and the blueprint has ALWAYS been the "LEGO Club Magazine Badge, Rank 1 Blueprint"

I have the URLs for the old XMLs to prove it.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

you can't change the XML really, just read it.
there are some things you can do to fool the site maybe, but i think a person knows when they are crossing the line.

reading the XML would be the same as reading the HTML code for a page, no big deal.

Arikk said... [REPLY]

Does this Lego Magazine Rank 2 badge is the same thing like the (out) Lego Magazine Badge that is in the XML? BTW, I have been offline a long time due to A VIRUS. I hope that I can find lots of useful info about MLN on this blog. Keep helping!

P.D.: Is NOT Ilegal to see the XML of MLN as long a you don't hack it.

Fireballminers said... [REPLY]

THeres probably people like "hackers" who get away with it.

Sim533 said... [REPLY]

No, there is nobody with this...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

it can't come from Jamie or Simon because when you send them a friend request they say missing copy (creator) not club

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