Who's the new networker in MLN?

| Feb 3, 2009
Sim533 found yet another new release from the LU news. Who is this LU networker? Nobody knows, at least not until February eight, that is. Everybody who is signed up for the LU email newsleter will be told who it is. Sign up for the newsletter here.

Until then, let's guess at who this is going to be by this picture. Comment to post your suggestions.

Thank you, Sim533. 50 clicks coming your way soon.


ekingsley said... [REPLY]

I think its Robo Dog!

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I've got to say no on that one, E. Where's the tail in the picture?

That was my first thought, too, though.

S said... [REPLY]

Yes you see robodog with another person??

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Remember the glitch with the arcade high score list.(the three line thing)it is back.

immy1 said... [REPLY]

you know what i think you can get the Lego universe skin because prof brickeeper ha it so we should be able to get it soon

ilikeitgui said... [REPLY]

Those dishes on the top look like symbols and the antennae could be the handle of a guitar.

I think it's a musician.

Or maybe it's an alien with a flash light. Who knows.

immy1 said... [REPLY]

ok i have my pic

ekingsley said... [REPLY]

On the line of Predictions...

I seem to remember that just a day or two after the Bionicle Campaign was announced in print it went live.

My guess is that the newsletter this Sunday will mark the start of the LU Campaign, probably on Monday.

I've been building some Plastic Pellets, it will be interesting to see how far my small supply gets me.

PumpkinPi said... [REPLY]

Hey, maybe it's a camera man? They do have a tab in MLN that's for videos. Also, the Lego Mindstorms website is doing a video building challenge so maybe it's a theme they are having?

S said... [REPLY]

That a good idea cheshirecat. But i think it's another pirates who's attacked by robodog.

Ian "The Boss" McInroy said... [REPLY]

i think the same as eKingsley I think it's robodog

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