Confimation on the LEGO World Event Badge

| Feb 18, 2009

Legoliese said this:

The code was given out to fans who visited the
LEGO World Event in Copenhagen, Denmark last week. It's exclusive and not supposed to be shared...


Berrykit said... [REPLY]

Perfect. Now I know NOT to open that mail XD

I will avoid it if at all possible, and if you see the Lego World Event badge on my page, I collected/deleted it by mistake.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Good for you, Berrykit. Are you sure it's the actual item, and not a blueprint?

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

Ya, it's the item, otherwise I wouldn't wory as much. Unfortunately, I was too curious.
It's like the Deputy Badge, you click, it shows an icon (I was worried that it just gave it to me)
Echo Sends you a mail with the badge as an attachment, not a badge blueprint (easy of others, unlucky for me)

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

here's a problem that I'm doing in math right now: It took Bob (name changed from example) 2 hours to build the LEGO battleship and, surprisingly, it took his dad 3 hours to do the same. If the two of them work together, how many hours will it take them to build 10 LEGO battleships..

First of all, LEGO doesn't have a battleship module (I don't think). Second, how long do you think it would take you to build a battleship out of LEGOs, if you were given the pieces and instructions? This is a question to everyone. Also, figure out the problem if you can.

Ian "The Boss" McInroy said... [REPLY]

ok, good, now I dont have to worry about getting into trouble for getting it without actually going there...
but I did kinda want to get it though, oh well

immy1 said... [REPLY]

5 hours it would take me up to 3 hours (because i take my time )

immy1 said... [REPLY]

is dat write?

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

I'm not sure what you said was the answer, but it is not 3 or 5 hours for both of them together to build 10 battleships.

Berrykit said... [REPLY]

it would take them 12.5 hours to do 10 battleships together. My math is probably wrong though.
A quater of the time for each of them would make it 1.25 hours for each ship, and it would take them 10 times longer to do 10 ships.

But it would make more sense to do this, they could work seprately and the son would build 6 ships in the time it would take the dad to build 4, making it 12 hours together.

I have a Batleship set (it's MegaBlocks though, not lego, though the peices are similar). It took my mom and dad together 1.5 hours to build it.

If I had all the peices, it would take me little over an hour.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Your second answer is correct.

Look at it this way: Bob could build 3 sets in 6 hours (6 divided by 2) and his dad could build 2 sets in 6 hours. Add those together, and they get 5 sets. Double it, and you have 12 hours. Or, do it algebraically:

2/6x+3/6x=10, where X is the number of hours needed to build 10. Combine 2/6 and 3/6 to get 5/6. Divide 10 by that to get the answer.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Hey vander i was just looking at your lu movies and i was wonderindg if you could put me in one. If you cant find the right hair just give me a hat.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

by the way my superpower would be power over water.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

I just heard that the lu symbol(the gold U) might be a badge we get from the new lu networkers.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

I found this on this page

LEGOUniverseMaster wrote...
Raspirate- Here's an inside scoop: Soon we're going to have a poll to name Brickkeeper's robo-dog!

it looks like we get to choose the dogs name. I am guessing that he will be a mln networker.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

To Knuckles987654321, all of the movies I have made of heroes are friends from real life. I could not make a full movie out of you, especially since water is very difficult to simulate with LEGO effects and paint. However, I might make you into a minor roll, probably as a bad guy, though, if you don't mind.

About your other comments, the badge looks cool. I have my doubts as to whether or not LEGO would make robodog a networker. I think it would be cool. They had an LU topic for the message boards where we all shouted out our favorite names for the dog. I think now they're going to let us vote which one out of their favorite three we thought were the best. I suggested Ned and Rod (Rod being made up of the first to letters in Robo and the first letter of Dog)

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

P.S. Feel free to comment on my stop motion blog as well.

Kaseyq said... [REPLY]

Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the event badge. I need a way to get grey bricks - got any suggestions. Really want to get to rank 9.Thanks

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

The best way is to find someone who will put you on their symbiosis module (sorry, no space on my page)

If you can't, the only way is with the mantles/gauntlets module. It's a pain, I know. If you ask me to click on your mantles transmuting module over MLN, I will though.

PumpkinPi said... [REPLY]

When I calculated I got 12 hours. I think it would take me 3 hours, like the dad, to make it.

Classicsmiley said... [REPLY]

There's the mathematical answer, which has already been given. Then there's the real answer, which deals with the realities of building with LEGO. :) Two people working together can build much, much faster than one person can. And, if you're building identical copies of the same model and can "assembly-line" the process, you'll save even more time...

Anonymous said... [REPLY]


Anonymous said... [REPLY]

fatcatnine here hey Vanderdecken12 will you tell pizzapocket??? to be my friend? thanks!!

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Fatcatnine, I'm sorry, but Pizzapocket100 does not accept very many friends.

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