Destructoid high score list

| Jan 30, 2009
They have released the Destructoid high score list. My good friend Pizzapocket100 is on it.

Also, someone I know, thinking they were on their own username, when they were really logged onto mine, responded to a few messages.

As you know, those messages aren't just random; they're code.

So, if anyone who is in a deal with me sent me a message, I apologize for sending the wrong response. I will, just to be sure, send ClasicSmiley 5 clicks on their modules, and Berrykit a pipe. Sorry if you started freaking out when I just sent you regular messages.

Hop, too, is almost ready to show the high score list. They're just finishing it. It, I imagine, will be up by tomorrow.


S said... [REPLY]

to knuckles : sorry, but i can't give you clicks because i give 70 clicks a day to cheshirecat150 and she give me the 70 clicks back. The rest of my clicks spend I on someone arcade module.

To vanderdecken . The arcade module give arcade tokens to a random person on their friendlist there is an attachement : 1token.

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