
| Dec 20, 2008
Someone on the message boards suggested that MLN-Arcade, a rank zero user, was a networker, or at least someone who works at LEGO. Why? Well, he apparently had both of the concert arcade games from day 1, an impossible feat for a rank 0 user, as at the time the chances of getting the arcade game from another user were slim, and to get it from El Ectric would've costed him 20 loose sparks, something rank zero people have no chance at getting. Unless...

It would be a great way to get connected to a bunch of people by creating a username with connection to the arcade games. Then, feed him 20 loose sparks, and have him go around sending friend requests, which I heard he did. The only problem is that you had to have been lucky enough to have 20 loose sparks on hand.

I asked him to be my friend, but he already has too many friend requests pending, and even then, he's probably reached the max friends anyway, by the look of it. So, I'm definitely going to be checking his page daily. I'll post if anything changes on his page. Until tomorrow,


S said... [REPLY]

- He has more ten 100 friend.-

A friend of you SIM533

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Yes, I counted half way and then doubled. I think he has over 300 friends!

Do you (or anyone) know what the maximum friend count is?

Thank you for your comment. If you want to trade clicks with me, I will trade up to 200 clicks at a time.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Just found out: the maximum friends is 100. I suppose that's what you mean by more than 100, I just wasn't sure. This definitely means he is someone special.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

I'l will give you 200 clicks on a module (You have the choice)and you can click on my Stardust Sticker Module. PS: I start tomorrow with the module.

You've had a great blog but you have to make advertising. I make a topic for advertising your MLN-Blog. I hope that they approve. Ok?

Can you start the same topic. then we've got two opportunities.

I see you later . A friend of you SIM533.

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

How many clicks does your stardust module need? I will give you that many if you give me that many. I'll start clicking tomorrow too. Please click on my symbiosis module, but you can spend a few clicks on my game modules too if you want.

Glad you like my blog, and thanks for trying to advertise it for me. I really appreciate it, but one of the message board rules is that you can't post comments with direct links to other sites. Thanks for trying :)

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

my stardust module need 350 clicks. I'l starting tomorrow with clicking on your symboisis module (75 a day) and if my post is decline i start a new man ;-) A friend of you Sim533

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Thank you, but please don't worry about advertising my site.

I will give you yours at a rate of about 75 a day then, too. I just sent you the first 78. Please tell me how many clicks your stardust module need once it has less than 100 clicks left.
Thank you,

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

Hey to you, Thanks for clicking

I have now 336 clicks but not enough (can you give the last 14)
I'm clicking 225 on your page (from the 350). A friend of you Sim533

Vanderdecken12 said... [REPLY]

Yes, I got a few other people to trade my future clicks with them for clicks on your module. I just sent the last 14 clicks. Have you read my avatar post? Would you like me to do your avatar for MLN? If you do, tell me, and follow my blog please.

Anonymous said... [REPLY]

To befriend el ectric you need to be rank 5 first... so he must have won them all. Also when I go on his page it glitches and in the friend list everyone has Networker symbols.

Rascus2614 said... [REPLY]

Hmmmm...Yeah I thought that you had to be rank 5 to befriend EL Ectric (and you need to be his friend to trade with him).

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