This is the LEGO® Technic Challenge competition! - here you have a chance at showing the LEGO Technic designers your designs and your abilities with the Technic elements.
The competition is very simple
1. Build a model out of primarily LEGO Technic elements.
3. Press the button below to Enter the competition
4. Enter your contact information
5. Upload your image
What to build?
This month (August) the competition is all about Cranes –Whether its stationary or on wheels is up to you, what matters is that it has lifting functions and that it is actually able to lift an object.
Weight/Size of the object doesn’t matter – but the crane must be lifting an object on the picture, holding it clear off of the ground.
How does it work?
Right now you can submit models - On the 16th of August - a panel of judges consisting of designers, marketing managers, building instruction artists and more will pick out (of all submissions) 10 finalists that will then be put up for voting here on the site. Considerations for the Nominees will be based on Model, Design, build to theme and age.
If you want to enter this contest, then you need to put the yellow button on this page. Let us know, if you are going to enter the contest.
Gatanui. We would very much appreciate your help with judging our Gallery Contest. To see more information about it, please check your Wave. Thanks!
How long is it ago that new came to my lego network :(
Don't look at me, it isn't my fault.. :P
5 months... Pretty long, but however we know that they are busy... :(
The lego club show episode 5 part one is out
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