About our winner, Eragon.Saphira
(click image to see full size)
Total points ever: 229/300
Average points points per entry: 76.33
Eragon.Saphira, an author of this blog and dedicated member, was the winner of this month's contest. She helped judge last month's Summer Contest, and she entered and won this one. It was very close between her and Arin3, who got second by a mere 4 points. Eragon.Saphira, in the 3 contests she's entered, managed to get in the top 3 of each one. She now has a record for highest number of points (88.5/100) in a contest, and she also is our only entrant without a creation to get a higher score than someone with one (and she's done it twice!). Without a doubt, her creative skills are beyond ordinary.
What the judges thought about Eragon.Saphira's entry...
"I liked the firework pattern very much. I thought the avatar fit the occasion perfectly and got me into the spirit of the holiday early."-SuperBen21
"I was really impressed how awesome the fireworks looked against the dark, starry background. It must have been difficult to make the firework display line up on four different sticker modules. Great job!"-CheshireCat150
"I didn't pick Eragon.Saphira because she is nice and an author of our blog. Simply, I found that her entry was perfect. Her page consisted of sticker modules. All the sticker modules had the same background- the Mars sticker background. This is a background everyone gets when they join MLN, so anyone could make something like Eragon.Saphira, yet they didn't think of it. That, of course, is not the only thing on the sticker modules. On the first three rows, she used a blue star and the Bio code Skrallshield sticker to make a big firework which exploded in the first row in the middle and moved to the left and the right. On the fourth and last row, she has used the "vroom" caption sticker to add some text, namely 'July 4'. In the end, I gave her a 10 out of 10 for overall look. Let's move to the second factor of judging- the avatar. She has used the 3 colors that are used to celebrate Independence Day (red, white and blue). I also gave her 10 for her avatar, because all the colors were used to celebrate this day. With a smile, I gave her another 10 points for colors, the third factor of our judging system. I was very surprised with the entry, and that was the reason I've gave her the best points. Because she didn't have a creation, we couldn't give the points for the creation. I have to congratulate you, Eragon.Saphira, with being chosen as the winner. I hope you also enter our next contest to make your score even better. Good luck!"-Sim533
2nd- Arin3 (Picture)
Total points ever: 331.17/400
Average points per entry: 82.79
3rd- Mrs.Teavee300 (Picture)
Total points ever: 311.83/400
Average points per entry: 77.96
And everyone else gets a complementary 10 blogger points.
4th- Iamac1(Picture)
5th- joemhewitt (Picture)
6th- C-Fish (Picture)
7th- Pawsrent (Picture)
8th- Gowater (Picture)
Congratulations to the winners! The blogger point rewards are as follows: 100 for Eragon.Saphira, 50 for Arin3, 25 for Mrs.Teavee300, and 10 for all the rest. Blogger points can be redeemed for clicks or items at the market. A special thanks goes to SuperBen21 for helping Sim533 and I judge this contest, and to Mrs.Teavee300 for providing us with awesome piano playing ( God Bless the USA). And to everyone who entered, thank you! We hope that you'll enter the next contest too! Speaking of which...
Gallery Contest!
Your mission is to make a cool Gallery creation! Pick whatever theme you want. We will be judging based on color scheme, overall look, and how complicated your creation is. If we get more entries than we've ever gotten before (our record is 9), everyone who entered will get a bonus 10 blogger points!! To read more about the contest and enter, please go here.
Congrats winners! Happy 4th (5th) of july!
Iamac1, congratulations with the 4th place!!!
Excuse me for the long text. CC150 didn't told me it had to minimum 6 words to maximum 3 sentences... =P
Everyone's blogger points have been added. Congrats again everyone, and thank you for entering!
Wow, that was a tough one seeing as I used up the USA flag for the Memorial Day contest.
I am actualy glad I didn't win, It would have looked like I were cheating or something. Once again, Congratulations to the winners. This was a really big eye-opener!
(Happy July 4th/5th/6th (where i'm from! (Note: Sim533, have you considered allowing strikethrough?)
Thanks judges!
Congratulations to the other winners!
Happy Independence Day!
Thank you judges! And congrats winners! Your pages are brilliant!
I can think of that if you really wish that... :)
@Sim533: Congrats on judging me that high ... :p and what did the last sentence mean? Could you rephrase that? @Arin3: Yes, it was a pain making the flag, took 1 1/2 hours. But, this was fun! Congrats!
Iamac1. Look at the topic, and you would see the difference between my text and the one of CC150.
EVERYONE: Sorry, we were wrong about having "ZERO" entries for the gallery contest. As it turns out, we accidentally forgot to change the form so that the new entries would appear on a new page. We still have all the entries, and we thank everyone that has entered! We hope that we will get more entries. And for those of you who have entered up to now (July 20, 2010 6:33 PM blog time). You may now change your pages back to normal. Thanks, and sorry for the mistake!
I'm really happy to hear that, it was my idea to do a gallery contest. We would be judging as fast as we can!!!
Yay! We got 2 more entries! Garnc and MrFree, you may now take your creation off your page, if you wish. Thanks for your entries!
Remember everyone!: If we get over 9 entries (which is our record) then everyone who entered will get an extra 10 blogger points!!
Only 10 days remaining to enter the Gallery Contest(link)!! If we get over 9 valid entries everyone that had a valid entry will get an extra 10 blogger points!
TheBrickmaster2010, edwards5115, mellloyellow, and LEGOVerse. We got your entries for the Gallery contest(link). However, there were no gallery modules on your page so your entries don't count. If you would like to enter, please put a gallery module on your page and renter your name in the form.
Everyone else who entered. We got your entries, you do NOT need to enter your name again. Thanks!
Everyone that hasn't entered yet. Hurry up! Only 7 days left to enter the Gallery contest!
Can I use the LEGO Universe module instead of the Gallery module?
Technically that is also a gallery module, so yes. Good luck troyergoldman...
EVERYONE. Less than 5 days left to enter our Gallery Contest(link). Let's see if we can get a few more entries!
SuperBen21. An picture has been taken of your entry. You may now change your page back to normal if you would like. Thanks!
troyergoldman. We got your entry. However, there are no gallery creations on your page. We ask that users do not enter until they have a creation on their page. Please leave a comment here when you are ready for your page to be judged. Thanks!
EVERYONE. Only 3 days left to enter!
JohnnyThunder2468. A picture has been taken of your entry. Thanks!
Sorry, I didn't have time to post yesterday and the day before. It's up now.
OK, I would replace the picture and we would vote for your gallery module.
Thank you for your entry!
How many entries do we have?
I will tell you in some days, but as far as now, it is a secret. =P
Ok, thanks.
I entered when it still said zero entries, and wanted to make sure the creation on my page being judged is the "Atlantis quad-cruiser", as I had a few creations on my page at the time, but the Atlantis quad-cruiser" was the only one on an actual (dino-bone) gallery module.
I would take a look if it is that creation we took in as your entry. I'll let you know.
EDIT: Yes, we took that in as your entry... You was the second one to enter... :)
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