We’ve remade LEGOuniverse.com to look and feel more like the game! In addition to a stunning new graphic style, the site now features loads of new content!
Blastoff to the Game section to explore the many ways you can have fun in the game, like battling the Maelstrom or building anything you can dream up! It’s also a great new spot to get into the story and worlds of LEGO® Universe!
Grownups will be pleased with a new Parents’ area where you can get important in-game safety information and answers to practical questions like “What is an MMOG?”
The new Community section focuses on the folks who make LEGO Universe great: Fans like you! Get the latest scoops from the News Network, and inspire everyone with your building skills in the Creation Lab!
Coming up soon!
We’ll soon launch a new community headquarters that will be connected directly to the game!
You’ll be able to see all the LEGO Minifigures who are battling to save Imagination—including their achievements and leaderboard stats! Discover details like which of your friends is the best racer, or who is an expert at taking on the Maelstrom’s most destructive creatures !
And you’ll be able to learn about the coolest in-game accessories! If you see a player with, say, an awesome sword, you’ll be able to search for it and discover the strengths it could give you in the game!
Keep a close eye on the all-new LEGOuniverse.com! We’ll be featuring lots more new content—including more video—in the lead-up to the launch of LEGO Universe!
There is also a vip code that contains the trailer we posted a while ago.
Haha, I was just about to report this! I got it... 7 minutes ago. :P
YAY for a download of the LU cinematic trailer! :D
I just got it 16 minutes ago. =P
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